  • Faculty & Staff Directory

    Andrew  DeGuire Andrew DeGuire James H. Keyes Dean of Business Administration
    andrew.deguire@marquette.edu (414) 288-7141
    Carolina  Acuna Carolina Acuna Assistant Professor of Economics
    carolina.acuna@marquette.edu (414) 288-6285
    Gary A. Adams Gary A. Adams Professor of Management
    gary.adams@marquette.edu (414) 288-7338
    Michael  Akers Michael Akers Professor Emeritus of Accounting
    michael.akers@marquette.edu (414) 915-6672
    Syed  Akhter Syed Akhter Professor Emeritus of Marketing
    Badar  Al Lawati Badar Al Lawati Program Director, Business Analytics
    badar.allawati@marquette.edu (414) 288-6896
    Craig  Andrews Craig Andrews Professor and Charles H. Kellstadt Chair in Marketing
    craig.andrews@marquette.edu (414) 288-7181
    Matteo  Arena Matteo Arena Professor of Finance and Director, MS in Finance
    matteo.arena@marquette.edu (414) 288-3369
    Manoj  Babu Manoj Babu Assistant Professor of Practice – Management
    Manoj.Babu@marquette.edu (414) 288-6587
    Mark  Barratt Mark Barratt Chair, Department of Management
    mark.barratt@marquette.edu (414) 288-0670
    William  Barrett William Barrett Adjunct Instructor of Marketing
    william.barrett@marquette.edu (414) 288-3995
    Marko  Bastl Marko Bastl Director, Center for Supply Chain Management
    marko.bastl@marquette.edu (414) 288-6866
    David  Bauer David Bauer Instructor of Practice - Finance
    Kent  Belasco Kent Belasco Director, Commercial Banking Program
    kent.belasco@marquette.edu (414) 414-6882
    Rev. Ron  Bieganowski, S.J. Rev. Ron Bieganowski, S.J. Chaplain to the College of Business Administration
    ronald.bieganowski@marquette.edu (414) 288-1956
    Michael  Blonski Michael Blonski Director – AIM CFA Investments Concentration
    michael.blonski@marquette.edu (414) 288-6893
    Todd  Brachman Todd Brachman Instructor of Practice - Management & Marketing
    Jeffery  Brand Jeffery Brand Instructor of Practice, Management
    jeffrey.brand@marquette.edu (414) 288-6467
    Charles  Breeden Charles Breeden Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
    breeden.mu@gmail.com (262) 751-4277
    Makeena  Brick Makeena Brick Student Success Coordinator
    makeena.brick@marquette.edu (414) 288-2372
    Michael  Browne Michael Browne Adjunct Instructor of Accounting and Business Day 1
    michael.browne@marquette.edu (414) 288-3729
    Brian  Brush Brian Brush Professor Emeritus of Economics
    brian.brush@marquette.edu (414) 288-8050
    Wendy  Butler Wendy Butler Instructor of Practice – Management
    William  Byrkit William Byrkit Adjunct Instructor of Practice - Information Systems, Analytics and Supply Chain Management
    George  Cashman George Cashman Robert B. Bell, Sr. Chair in Real Estate
    george.cashman@marquette.edu (414) 288-1448
    Jay  Caulfield Jay Caulfield Associate Professor of Management
    jay.caulfield@marquette.edu (414) 288-5556
    Abdur  Chowdhury, Ph.D. Abdur Chowdhury, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Economics
    abdur.chowdhury@marquette.edu (414) 288-8050
    Sue  Cirillo Sue Cirillo Assistant to the Dean
    sue.cirillo@marquette.edu (414) 288-7141
    David  Clark David Clark Professor Emeritus of Economics
    david.clark@marquette.edu (414) 288-3339
    Stephen  Cole Stephen Cole Associate Professor of Economics
    stephen.cole@marquette.edu (414) 288-3367
    Robert  Collins Robert Collins Emeritus Adjunct Assistant Professor of Management
    John  Cotton John Cotton Professor Emeritus of Management
    john.cotton@marquette.edu (414) 288-7558
    John  Davis John Davis Professor Emeritus of Economics
    john.davis@marquette.edu (414) 288-8050
    Susan  Daye Susan Daye Office Associate, Commercial Banking Program
    susan.daye@marquette.edu (414) 288-7675
    Rachel  Detert Rachel Detert Assistant Professor of Practice - Accounting
    rachel.detert@marquette.edu (414) 288-0537
    Ashley  Deutsch Ashley Deutsch Assistant Professor of Marketing
    ashley.deutsch@marquette.edu (414) 288-7667
    Grace  Dunn Grace Dunn Senior Career & Industry Advisor, Business Career Center
    g.m.dunn@marquette.edu (414) 288-7070
    Srinivas  Durvasula Srinivas Durvasula Professor Emeritus of Marketing
    Sr. Eileen  Ennis, SSND Sr. Eileen Ennis, SSND Instructor - Information Systems, Analytics and Supply Chain Management
    eileen.ennis@marquette.edu (414) 288-5564
    Mark  Eppli Mark Eppli Professor Emeritus of Finance
    mark.eppli@marquette.edu (414) 288-CFRE
    Doug  Fisher Doug Fisher Associate Professor Emeritus of Practice - Information Systems, Analytics and Supply Chain Management
    Prince  Fosu Prince Fosu Visiting Assistant Professor of Practice, Economics
    prince.fosu@marquette.edu (414) 288-6902
    Dave  Gee Dave Gee Instructor of Practice - Entrepreneurship
    Dan  Geigler Dan Geigler Instructor of Practice, Finance
    Don  Giacomino Don Giacomino Professor Emeritus of Accounting
    don.giacomino@marquette.edu (262) 243-9292
    John  Golden John Golden Instructor of Practice - Information Systems, Analytics and Supply Chain Management
    john.golden@marquette.edu (414) 288-0823
    Andrea  Golvach Andrea Golvach Program Coordinator – Accounting and AIM Program
    andrea.golvach@marquette.edu (414) 288-2376
    Linda  Gorens-Levey Linda Gorens-Levey Executive in Residence, Real Estate
    Michael  Grubich Michael Grubich Instructor of Practice - Management
    Oleg  Gurin Oleg Gurin Assistant Professor of Practice - Finance
    oleg.gurin@marquette.edu (414) 288-2426
    Tim  Hanley Tim Hanley Acting Dean Emeritus
    John  Hazod John Hazod Instructor of Practice, Commercial Banking
    Chris  He Chris He Assistant Professor of Accounting
    zhijian.he@marquette.edu (414) 288-7844
    Gregory  Hill Gregory Hill Assistant Professor of Practice, Accounting
    gregory.hill@marquette.edu (414) 288-0665
    Jamshid  Hosseini Jamshid Hosseini Associate Professor Emeritus of Management - International Business
    jamshid.hosseini@marquette.edu (414) 750-5060
    Margaret  Hughes-Morgan Margaret Hughes-Morgan Associate Professor of Management
    margaret.hughes-morgan@marquette.edu (414) 288-2007
    Andrew  Hunt Andrew Hunt Director for the Vieth Institute for Real Estate Leadership
    andrew.hunt@marquette.edu (414) 288-6020
    Teresa  Janusz Teresa Janusz Director of Development
    teresa.janusz@marquette.edu (414) 288-7693
    Byounghyun (BH)  Jeon Byounghyun (BH) Jeon Assistant Professor of Finance
    bh.jeon@marquette.edu (414) 288-8041
    Brent  Johnson Brent Johnson Instructor of Practice, Management
    b.a.johnson@marquette.edu (414) 288-2431
    Nicholas  Jolly Nicholas Jolly Associate Professor of Economics
    nicholas.jolly@marquette.edu (414) 288-7576
    Kate  Kaiser Kate Kaiser Associate Professor Emerita of Management
    Ryan  Kauth Ryan Kauth Coleman Chair in Entrepreneurship
    ryan.kauth@marquette.edu (414) 288-2427
    Timothy  Keaveny Timothy Keaveny Professor Emeritus of Management
    Kaitlyn  Keizer Kaitlyn Keizer Assistant Professor of Practice - Accounting
    kaitlyn.keizer@marquette.edu (414) 288-2436
    John  Knapp John Knapp Executive Director - Innovation Alley
    john.m.knapp@marquette.edu (414) 288-7238
    Connie  Knoll Connie Knoll Office Associate, Graduate School of Management & Business Career Center
    connie.knoll@marquette.edu (414) 288-7145
    Pamela  Koehn Pamela Koehn Instructor of Practice, EMBA
    Sara  Koenig Sara Koenig Coordinator, Records and Student Services
    sara.koenig@marquette.edu (414) 288-5151
    Heather  Kohls Heather Kohls Director of Global Business Learning, Economics
    heather.kohls@marquette.edu (414) 288-3417
    Kalin D. Kolev Kalin D. Kolev Associate Professor of Management
    kalin.kolev@marquette.edu (414) 288-3365
    David  Krause David Krause Associate Professor of Practice Emeritus of Finance and the AIM Program
    david.krause@marquette.edu (414) 288-1457
    Barbara  Kren Barbara Kren Emerita Instructor of Practice - Accounting
    Beth  Krey Beth Krey Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Programs
    beth.krey@marquette.edu (414) 288-7142
    David  Krill David Krill Senior Director, Veith Institute for Real Estate
    david.krill@marquette.edu (414) 288-CFRE
    Gene  Laczniak Gene Laczniak Sanders Professor Emeritus of Marketing
    eugene.laczniak@marquette.edu (262) 292-8252
    Rick  Laguerre Rick Laguerre Assistant Professor, Management
    rick.laguerre@marquette.edu (414) 288-2430
    James  Lamb James Lamb Instructor of Practice, Economics
    Felissa  Lee Felissa Lee Associate Professor of Management
    felissa.lee@marquette.edu (414) 288-3905
    Jeremy  Lee Jeremy Lee Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics
    jungmin.lee@marquette.edu (414) 288-6899
    Ed  Leonard Ed Leonard Instructor of Practice, Management
    Noreen  Lephardt Noreen Lephardt Associate Professor of Practice Emerita - Economics
    Qianhua  Ling Qianhua Ling Associate Professor of Accounting
    qianhua.ling@marquette.edu (414) 288-8069
    Stefan  Lorenz Stefan Lorenz Assistant Professor of Practice, Management
    stefan.lorenz@marquette.edu (414) 288-2435
    Xin  Luo Xin Luo Associate Professor of Accounting
    xin.luo@marquette.edu (414) 288-7238
    Steven  Lysonski Steven Lysonski Professor Emeritus of Marketing
    Cheryl  Maranto Cheryl Maranto Associate Professor Emerita of Management
    Joseph  Matthes Joseph Matthes Associate Professor of Marketing
    joseph.matthes@marquette.edu (414) 288-1440
    Kelly  McDonald Kelly McDonald Events and Communications Specialist
    k.mcdonald@marquette.edu (414) 288-3777
    James  McGibany James McGibany Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
    Paul M. McInerny Paul M. McInerny Management Instructor of Practice Emeritus
    paul.mcinerny@marquette.edu (414) 288-0289
    Cindy  Melis Cindy Melis Emerita Instructor of Practice – Accounting
    cindy.melis@marquette.edu (414) 288-1466
    Walter  Melnik Walter Melnik Assistant Professor of Economics
    walter.melnik@marquette.edu (414) 288-0828
    Christopher  Merker Christopher Merker Co-director, Sustainability Lab
    Andrew  Meyer Andrew Meyer Chair, Department of Economics
    andrew.g.meyer@marquette.edu (414) 288-5489
    Melanie  Michael Melanie Michael Adjunct Instructor
    Alexander  Milovic Alexander Milovic Associate Director - Center for Professional Selling
    alexander.milovic@marquette.edu (414) 288-8052
    Dianne  Murphy Dianne Murphy Assistant Professor of Practice, Management
    dianne.murphy@marquette.edu (414) 288-2438
    Alisa  Nagle Alisa Nagle Instructor of Practice, Management
    alisa.nagle@marquette.edu (414) 288-2425
    Kristin  Nines Kristin Nines Director of Academic Business Affairs
    kristin.nines@marquette.edu (414) 288-6983
    Farrokh  Nourzad Farrokh Nourzad Professor Emeritus of Economics
    Bonnie  O'Neill Bonnie O'Neill Associate Professor Emerita of Management
    bonnie.oneill@marquette.edu (414) 288-1458
    Dennis  Oates Dennis Oates Assistant Professor of Practice, Supply Chain
    dennis.oates@marquette.edu (414) 288-2432
    Jessica  Ogilvie Jessica Ogilvie Director - Center for Professional Selling
    jessica.ogilvie@marquette.edu (414) 288-3710
    Wioleta  Olczak Wioleta Olczak Assistant Professor of Accounting
    wioleta.olczak@marquette.edu (414) 288-7393
    James  Orheim James Orheim Program Director, Executive Education
    james.orheim@marquette.edu (414) 288-5750
    Terence  Ow Terence Ow Professor of Information Systems, Analytics and Supply Chain Management
    terence.ow@marquette.edu (414) 288-5104
    Sarah  Peck Sarah Peck Associate Professor Emerita of Finance
    Anthony  Pennington-Cross Anthony Pennington-Cross Executive Associate Dean
    anthony.pennington-cross@marquette.edu (414) 288-1452
    Morgan  Phelps Morgan Phelps Instructor of Practice - Diversity in Organizations
    Meghann  Polivka Meghann Polivka Director of International Business and Undergraduate Student Initiatives
    meghann.polivka@marquette.edu (414) 288-3433
    Laura  Poupitch Laura Poupitch Instructor of Practice, Accounting
    laura.poupitch@marquette.edu (414) 288-6482
    Laurna  Prantil Laurna Prantil Adjunct Instructor of Economics
    laurna.prantil@marquette.edu (414) 288-3254
    Kathleen  Rehbein Kathleen Rehbein Associate Professor Emerita of Management
    kathleen.rehbein@marquette.edu (414) 288-1446
    Lora  Reinholz Lora Reinholz Instructor of Practice, Finance
    lora.reinholz@marquette.edu (414) 288-7187
    Scott  Rex Scott Rex Instructor of Practice - Marketing
    scott.rex@marquette.edu (414) 288-8071
    Kevin  Rich Kevin Rich Chair, Department of Accounting
    kevin.rich@marquette.edu (414) 288-7708
    Karen  Rinehart Karen Rinehart Assistant Dean, Graduate School of Management
    karen.rinehart@marquette.edu (414) 288-7145
    Melanie  Roepke Melanie Roepke Program Coordinator, Veith Institute for Real Estate
    melanie.roepke@marquette.edu (414) 288-7940
    Kristie  Rogers Kristie Rogers Professor of Management
    kristie.rogers@marquette.edu (414) 288-5669
    Gregg  Rusk Gregg Rusk Executive in Residence - Accounting
    Sounak  Saha Sounak Saha Visiting Assistant Professor, Finance
    sounak.saha@marquette.edu (414) 288-2437
    Alyssa  Samson Alyssa Samson Administrative Assistant II - Accounting, Economics, Marketing
    alyssa.samson@marquette.edu (414) 288-7623
    Sofie  Sanchez Sofie Sanchez Recruiter, Graduate School of Management
    sofie.sanchez@marquette.edu (414) 288-8400
    Hunter  Sandidge Hunter Sandidge Director – AIM Fintech: Applied AI and Business Intelligence Concentration
    hunter.sandidge@marquette.edu (414) 288-2369
    Ethan  Schmick Ethan Schmick Assistant Professor of Economics
    ethan.schmick@marquette.edu (414) 288-3545
    Mary  Serrano Mary Serrano Administrative Assistant II - Management & Finance
    mary.serrano@marquette.edu (414) 288-7146
    Melissa  Shew Melissa Shew Faculty Director - EMBA Program
    melissa.shew@marquette.edu (414) 288-5930
    David  Shrock David Shrock Dean Emeritus
    Jeanne  Simmons Jeanne Simmons Instructor of Practice - Marketing
    jeanne.simmons@marquette.edu (414) 288-5126
    Yuanyuan (April)  Song Yuanyuan (April) Song Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics
    yuanyuan.song@marquette.edu (414) 288-2428
    Brian  Spaid Brian Spaid Chair, Department of Marketing
    brian.spaid@marquette.edu (414) 288-3371
    Bharatendu  Srivastava Bharatendu Srivastava Associate Professor of Information Systems, Analytics and Supply Chain Management
    bharat.srivastava@marquette.edu (414) 288-3408
    Joseph "Drew"  Stathus Joseph "Drew" Stathus Academic Technology Specialist
    joseph.stathus@marquette.edu (414) 288-4176
    Christopher  Swain Christopher Swain Instructor of Practice - Finance
    Siddhartha  Syam Siddhartha Syam Professor Emeritus of Management
    siddhartha.syam@marquette.edu (414) 288-5462
    Vito  Taphorn Vito Taphorn Director, Real Estate Asset Program (REAP)
    vito.taphorn@marquette.edu (414) 288-7327
    Brian  Till Brian Till Professor of Marketing
    brian.till@marquette.edu (414) 288-7523
    Rich  Tobin Rich Tobin Associate Professor of Practice - Accounting
    richard.tobin@marquette.edu (414) 288-5438
    Peter  Toumanoff Peter Toumanoff Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics
    Kevin  Trainor Kevin Trainor Assistant Professor of Practice, Marketing
    kevin.trainor@marquette.edu (414) 288-2429
    James  Trebby James Trebby Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting
    james.trebby@marquette.edu (414) 288-8050
    Jennifer  Vrobel Jennifer Vrobel Assistant Director, Business Career Center
    jennifer.vrobel@marquette.edu (414) 288-1713
    Iva  Vurdelja Iva Vurdelja Instructor of Practice - Management
    Kathryn  Wagner Kathryn Wagner Associate Professor of Economics
    kathryn.l.wagner@marquette.edu (414) 288-3409
    Joseph  Wall Joseph Wall Donald F. Flynn and Beverly L. Flynn Chair of Accounting Ethics and Disruptive Technologies
    joseph.wall@marquette.edu (414) 288-7245
    Kevin  Walsh Kevin Walsh Assistant Professor of Practice
    kevin.j.walsh@marquette.edu (414) 288-6466
    Bin  Wang Bin Wang Chair, Department of Finance
    bin.wang@marquette.edu (414) 288-7188
    Miao Grace  Wang Miao Grace Wang Professor of Economics
    grace.wang@marquette.edu (414) 288-7310
    David  Wangrow David Wangrow Associate Professor of Strategic Management
    david.wangrow@marquette.edu (414) 288-1459
    Lisa  Weber Lisa Weber Instructor of Practice, Finance & Accounting
    Kelly  Wesolowski Kelly Wesolowski Associate Director, Center for Supply Chain Management
    kelly.wesolowski@marquette.edu (414) 288-7089
    Mary  Wieczorek Mary Wieczorek Academic Advisor
    Carol  Winkel Carol Winkel Industry Relations Manager - AIM Program
    carol.winkel@marquette.edu (414) 288-8024
    Larry Zhiming  Xu Larry Zhiming Xu Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Analytics
    zhiming.xu@marquette.edu (414) 288-5994
    Robert  Yahr Robert Yahr Associate Professor Emeritus of Accounting
    robert.yahr@marquette.edu (414) 288-8050
    Jose  Zenteno Jose Zenteno Instructor of Practice, Economics
    Faculty teaching