O'Brien Hall, 240M
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-6902prince.fosu@marquette.eduDr. Fosu holds a B.A. and M.Phil. Economics from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, MS in Agribusiness and Applied Economics from North Dakota State University, USA, and PhD in Economics from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Dr. Fosu is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Practice at the Department of Economics at Marquette University. Before joining Marquette University, he worked as an Assistant Professor of Finance and Economics at Wheeling University. His research interests include macroeconomics, economic development, applied microeconomics. His current research focuses on how governments free education programs impact secondary school enrollment and household labor market outcomes in low-income countries. He is also working on how environmental tax revenues could be used to increase domestic government healthcare expenditures in both developing and developed countries.
Infrastructure spending
Applied Economics
Education Finance
Government Policy
“Risks and risk premiums of GE corn: A macromarketing framework”, Ecological Economics, 2022 (with William Nganje)
“Infrastructure and economic growth: Evidence from the United States”, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 2022 (with Martinson Ankrah Twumasi)
“Residential renewable energy adoption. Does financial literacy matter?”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 (with Martinson Ankrah Twumasi, Dennis Asante, Gloria Essilfie, Yuansheng Jiang)
“The impact of credit constraint on artisanal fishers’ technical efficiency: Stochastic frontier and instrumental variable approach”, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2022 (with Martinson Ankrah Twumasi, Yuansheng Jiang, Bismark Addai, Charles Hackman Kwamena Essel)
“Does Railway Lines Investments matter for Economic Growth?”, ECONOMICS, 2021.
“Internet use and farm household’s food and nutrition security nexus: The case of rural Ghana”, Technology in Society, 2021 (Twumasi, M. A., Jiang, Y., Asante, D., Addai, B., Akuamoah-Boateng, S.)
“Empirical Analysis of US Bilateral Corn Trade: Evidence from Japan, Mexico, China, South Korea, and the European Union”, Cogent Economics and Finance, 2020 (with Tom Wahl)