  • Steven Lysonski

    Steven  Lysonski
    Steven LysonskiMarquette University

    O'Brien Hall

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    Curriculum Vitae

    Professor Emeritus of Marketing

    Dr. Lysonski joined Marquette University in 1989 where is now Professor of Marketing and Miles Research Scholar. He has been on the faculty at the University of Rhode Island, Copenhagen School of Business and Economics, and the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. He has published over 60 refereed articles in journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Advertising, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Journal of Services Marketing. He has presented papers at more than 70 national and international conferences. He continues to serve on editorial boards of various marketing journals.


    • Ph.D Marketing, Syracuse University (1980)
    • MBA Syracuse University (1977)
    • AB Economics Bates College (1975)

    Professional Interests

    Cross-Cultural Analysis, Marketing Management, International Marketing, Macro-Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Services Marketing.

    Selected Publications

    “Nigeria in Transition: Acculturation to Global Consumer Culture", (with S. Durvasula), Journal of Consumer Marketing, (accepted for publication in 2014).

    "Consumer Decision Making Styles In Retailing: Evolution Of Mindsets And Psychological Impacts", (with S. Durvasula), Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2013, 30(1), 75 – 87.

    "Evidence of a Secular Trend In Attitude Towards The Macro Marketing Environment In India: Pre and Post Economic Liberalization”, (with S. Durvasula and A. D. Madhavi), Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2012, 29(7), 532-544.

    “Beyond Service Attributes in Higher Education: Do Personal Values Matter?”, (with S. Durvasula and A.D. Madhavi), Journal of Services Marketing, 25(1), 2011, 33-46.

    Money, Money, Money—How Do Attitudes Toward Money Impact Vanity and Materialism?—The Case of Young Chinese Consumers”, (with S. Durvasula, equal contribution), Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2010, 27(2), pages 169-179.

    Honors and Awards

    • Miles Research Scholar (2005-present)
    • Recognized as Distinguished Research Scholar at Marquette University
    • Kimberly-Clark Excellence Award in Teaching (2005)
    • Received Citation Classic Award from Journal of Business Ethics forEthics of Business Students: A Cross-Cultural Comparison” published in Journal of Business Ethics in 1991. As a citation class, it was recognized as one of the most cited articles in the journal’s 30 year history.   
    • Received Best Paper Award for all published papers in 2010 for "Money, Money, Money—How Do Attitudes Toward Money Impact Vanity and Materialism?—The Case of Young Chinese Consumers" published in Journal of Consumer Marketing.
    • Selected as Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence (2009) for “A Double Edged Sword: Understanding Vanity Across Cultures” published in Journal of Consumer Marketing.
    • Named and ranked as number 11 among researchers in business schools in a special article in Journal of Advertising (Spring 2005) titled “Contributions to International Advertising Research,” as a key contributor of published research in international advertising.

    Faculty teaching