As one of many methods of assuring that the goals of our educational mission are successfully met, the college regularly and systematically engages in the assessment of a variety of competencies. As part of this assurance of learning, each program defines and collects data on learning goals; statements of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that we want our graduates to possess. We use them for continuous improvement and they are the criteria on which organizations such as AACSB evaluate our accreditation. The following are the current Learning Goals for the International Business Major along with the goals for the Undergraduate Business Core.
- Understand the nature of international business
- Demonstrate developed global perspectives
Below are the specific learning outcomes assessed to help determine if students meet the above outcome.
For the goal - Understand the nature of international business:
- Explain how international factors affect domestic concerns
- Explain regional economic integration and economic and political integration
- Explain the main institutions that shape the global marketplace
- Explain businesses expansion abroad
- Explain the key legal issues related to businesses operating in other countries
For the goal - Demonstrate developed global perspectives:
- Cognitive knowledge of global issues
- Interpersonal skills with individuals from various cultures
- Social responsibility awareness on global issues
Undergraduate Business Core Learning Goals
- Apply effective written and oral communication skills to business situations.
- Analyze the global business environment.
- Analyze the local business environment.
- Use critical thinking skills in business situations.
- Apply an ethical understanding and perspective to business situations.