  • Robert Collins

    Robert  Collins
    Robert CollinsMarquette University

    O'Brien Hall

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    Curriculum Vitae

    Emeritus Adjunct Assistant Professor of Management

    Other than a year as a Jesuit Volunteer, Mr. Collins has been teaching in Marquette’s College of Business Administration since 1987. Bob currently teaches Business Statistics at the undergraduate level, Mathematics Foundations and Statistics Foundations for the Graduate School of Management, and Statistical Methods and Research Design for Human Resource Management for Marquette’s M.S.H.R. program.  Since 1990, he has also been the academic advisor for the students on academic probation.

    Mr. Collins has done consulting and teaching projects for the U.S. Postal Service, S.C. Johnson, Thomson Publishing, Wiley Publishing, and the Milwaukee Bucks.


    • B.S. Mathematics Marquette University
    • M.S. Statistics Marquette University

    Faculty teaching