Applied Global Business Learning

In the interest of pursuing the mission of Marquette, the Center for Applied Economics provided the resources to create Applied Global Business Learning (AGBL).

Applied Global Business Learning (AGBL) is a unique academic program that looks to assist communities in developing nations. By providing micro-enterprise solutions, it is the hope of the program to foster sustainable business practices while preserving cultural ideals. Applied Global Business Learning is an international educational program, provided as both in-person and virtual travel experiences.

About Us

Applied Global Business Learning (AGBL) is a unique volunteer organization that looks to assist communities in developing nations. By providing micro-enterprise solutions, it is the hope of the organization to foster sustainable business practices while preserving cultural ideals. Applied Global Business Learning is an international educational program hosting classes every spring through the Economics Department.

AGBL will look to connect Marquette students, faculty, staff and Milwaukee business leaders with communities in the developing world to grow opportunities and partnerships.

Marquette AGBL is organized as a program under the Center for Applied Economics. Meetings amongst students, faculty advisors, and business leaders will be held as needed leading up to separate assessment and implementation trips.

Students are able to earn three credits for their effort.  See a sample syllabus

AGBL students pose

Marquette AGBL provides a wide range of projects to the various communities. We develop solutions to micro-enterprise problems and work with the communities to implement these proposals while preserving local culture.

Marquette University will recruit student volunteers and field professionals to assist in various projects in developing countries, such as Guatemala and India. AGBL will then travel overseas to participate in a cultural exchange that will include the assessment of micro-enterprise problems and implementation of appropriate business solutions. As much as possible, students and entrepreneurs begin contact about their hopes and intentions for the project to include both sides in our planning process.

Furthermore, on-campus meeting will be held as needed among participating students, faculty, and business leaders. Meetings will include discussion on the cultural, financial, and social impact and effects of our interaction with the communities. Furthermore, we will assess both the success and appropriateness of our proposed business solutions.

This unique interaction will not only offer a depth of perspective and resources, but will also facilitate the application of classroom knowledge to hands-on, real-world experience.

Past trips & business reports



Project Description



Sustainable Education in Bogota



Nkoaranga Hospital



Nkoaranga Hospital

March 2016


Barbara Ford Peace Center

March 2015

Quiche, Guatemala

Community of San Francisco

January 2015

El Salvador

La Canasta Basica

January 2015

Dhaka, Bangladesh

BRAC - Targeting the Ultra Poor


Academic Opportunities

AGBL will provide opportunities for students to travel abroad and assist local businesses in expanding, creating, or improving their current operations.

Students will earn three credits for their efforts. This unique interaction will not only offer a depth of perspective and resources, but will also facilitate the application of classroom knowledge to hands-on, real-world experience.

Join a virtual consulting class

We will be consulting with entrepreneurs in Central America.  We will get to know the entrepreneurs, establish what we can do to help their businesses grow, and find solutions to their problems.  We are looking to include Spanish speakers as much as possible and to learn as much as we can about the country and its business practices.  Projects will be decided once students have been admitted into the course.  This course will count as an upper-division elective for COBA as well as an upper-division economics elective for an economics major or minor.  This is also an international experience course and a service-learning course.  For more information please reach out to Dr. Kohls at

Join a travel experience

See program options on the OIE site.  You may need to search for AGBL.

For information regarding participation and other related issues, please contact Dr. Heather Kohls at

For institutional requests, please contact the Center Applied Economics Economics

To donate, contact University Advancement or send a check directly to AGBL at Marquette University, University Advancement, P. O. Box 1881, Zilber Hall, Suite 321, Milwaukee, WI 53201

To give us feedback or report any problems you experienced with our website please email Dr. Heather Kohls at

Alumni Advisory Board:
Lisa Hench                    Rachel M. Kirvan
Cynthia E. Pekron         Charles Ries
Katherine Novotny

Students are now able to earn three credits for their participation in an AGBL  service and study trip. This will likely attract more students to our programs and increase the need for more scholarships.

Currently student scholarships provide $500 for an individual. We have no full scholarships available. With your help, we could expand those offerings and allow more students a chance at a one-of-a-kind experience.

To donate, contact Charles Ries, University Advancement, 414-288-7212 or send a check directly to AGBL at Marquette University, c/o Charles Ries, University Advancement, P. O. Box 1881, Zilber Hall, Suite 321, Milwaukee, WI 53201