O'Brien Hall, 315A
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-1459david.wangrow@marquette.eduCurriculum VitaeDr. Wangrow joined Marquette in 2016 after completing his PhD at the University of Kansas. When he began his academic career in 2011, Dr. Wangrow envisioned ultimately being on the faculty at a great school like Marquette and continues to be excited about working with the students and all of the other members of the Marquette community. Prior to beginning an academic career, he worked for 27 years with Motorola. Most of his experience with Motorola was in the cellular networks industry, and he led worldwide teams responsible for strategy, customer relationships, operations, field engineering and product management across a variety of cellular technologies. His teaching interests lie mainly in the analyzing, developing and implementing domestic and international strategies; innovation and creativity; competitive strategy; and executive behavior and leadership. Dr. Wangrow's primary research area is corporate governance, with published works examining managerial discretion, board committees, sport coach dismissals, and executive succession. He has also published works examining college student retention, strategic change, and the impact of perceived supervisor discretion on workers.
Dr. Wangrow was employed by Motorola from 1983 to 2011. His most recent experience was as Vice President and Senior Director of iDEN International and, prior to that as Vice President and Senior Director of Motorola's WiMAX business.
Currently serves as a reviewer for nine journals, including Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of Management Studies.
Managerial Discretion, Executive Behavior, Executive Succession and Strategic Change, Human Capital, International Business
Wangrow, D. B., Kolev, K. D., & Hughes-Morgan, M. 2023. Disparities in minority executive dismissal: A contingency perspective. Strategic Organization 1476127023118422.
Kolev, K. D., Wangrow, D. B., Barker III, V. L., & Schepker, D. J. 2019. Board committees in corporate governance: A cross‐disciplinary review and agenda for the future. Journal of Management Studies 56(6), 1138-1193.
Wangrow, D. B., Schepker, D. J., & Barker III, V. L. 2017. Power, performance and expectations in the dismissal of NBA coaches: A survival analysis study. Sport Management Review 21(4), 333-346.
Wangrow, D.B. 2016. Dissertation: An examination of CEOs’ psychological and relationship-oriented individual traits influencing exhibited managerial discretion. ProQuest Document Number 10131395.
Wangrow, D.B., Schepker, D.J. & Barker, V.L. III 2015. Managerial Discretion: An empirical review and focus on future research directions. Journal of Management 4(1): 99-135.