O'Brien Hall, 448A
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-3905felissa.lee@marquette.edue-PublicationsCurriculum VitaeDr. Lee has been with Marquette University since 2004. Her interests include personality dynamics, motivational processes, career success strategies, and health & wellness for professional effectiveness. Felissa teaches undergraduate and MBA level courses in “Organizational Behavior” and “Leadership, Motivation, and Change”. She also works with individuals to develop their skills in communication, leadership, behavior change, and career management.
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
Ph.D. in Management, 2004
Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, 2004
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ed.M. in Education, 1994
University of California, Irvine, California
B.A. in Psychology, 1992
Personality and motivation processes, career success, leadership development, communication skills, wellness.
Lee, F. K. & Turban, D. B. (in press). Natural rewards self-management, personality, and achievement outcomes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Turban, D. B., Steven, C. K., & Lee, F. K. (2009). Effects of conscientiousness and extraversion on new labor market entrants' job search: The mediating role of meta-cognitive activities and positive emotions. Personnel Psychology, 62, 553-573.
Turban, D. B. & Lee, F. K. (2007). The role of personality in mentoring relationships: Formation, dynamics, and outcomes. In Ragins, B. R. & Kram, K. (Eds.), The Handbook of Mentoring. Sage Publications.
Lee, F., Sheldon, K. M., & Turban, D. B. (2003). Personality and the goal striving process: The influence of achievement goal patterns, goal level, and mental focus on performance and enjoyment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 256-265.