The Office of the Bursar produces semester bills, processes student payments and credits student accounts with financial aid. Semester bills include tuition, housing charges, and other applicable fees.
Who do I contact if I have billing questions?
How do I give access to my parent to view my bill and account information?
What is FERPA? How does FERPA impact communication regarding my student records, financial aid, and bursar information?
What is the MCAN and why is it required before I can talk about my records?
How do I check for a hold on my account, especially registration holds?
I have a hold on my account, what does this mean?
Why is there a registration and diploma hold on my account from the Office of the Bursar?
Why isn’t my financial aid paying?
How do I get the bursar registration and diploma hold taken off my account?
How do I make a payment for my account?
I would like to make an international student payment for my balance due. How can I do that?
Can I pay for my tuition for the year in one payment?
Can I make a credit/debit card payment in office?
What are the fees for paying online?
When am I going to receive my refund?
How will my refund be given to me?
Can someone pick up my refund check for me?
I am an EOP student and I have a credit on my account, why haven’t I gotten my refund yet?
I am dropping a class this semester. Will I receive a refund for the charges?
I lost my refund check, how do I get it replaced?
I received a refund and I won’t need all of the money. How can I return the amount that I no longer want?
If I get an email about a refund check stale date warning, can I still cash the check or is it too late? What should I do when I get that email?
I took out a loan so I could get a refund for living expenses, but my parents are signed up for the payment plan to pay my tuition. Why didn’t my financial aid refund to me?
I didn’t receive my bill in the mail, when are they being sent?
How do I look up my account balance?
When should I expect a bill for the semester?
What credit load do I have to carry as an undergraduate student to be charged the fulltime rate?
What are the fees that are being billed on my account? Are they optional?
What are the lab fees for?
I will not be registered fulltime this semester. What will my tuition charges be?
Are the tuition charges for J Session classes already included in my fall semester tuition?
I am a full-time undergraduate student and I just dropped a course. Will my tuition charge change?
Has my financial aid disbursed?
What is the $100.00 Block Removal Fee that I have on my account?
Can I use my fall term financial aid to pay my summer balance?
I accepted new financial aid after the bill generated. When will I receive an updated bill that will include this information?
How does Federal Work Study/Marquette Student Employment apply to my bursar account?
How can I pay my bill with a 529 plan?
I use College Illinois, what do I need to do for Marquette to receive payment?
I am an employee of Marquette, what is tuition remission? What is my eligibility, or the eligibility of my spouse or dependents?
My employer is offering to pay my tuition. What do I need to do next?
My employer will pay for my tuition, but only after the end of the semester. Do I still have to pay my tuition by the due date?
I need a form to submit to my employer to be reimbursed for tuition. How do I get that?
Where can I find the housing and food rates?
Why is there a housing damage charge on my account?
I will not be living in the dorms, am I still able to add a food plan?
How do I reverse a MarquetteCASH charge from the e-bill?
How can I add money to my Marquette Card?
I am an undergraduate student, will I be charged extra tuition if I enroll in more than 18 credits?
I am enrolled in the payment plan. Why am I receiving bills from your office?
It is after August 5th (Fall)/January 5th (Spring), but I would like to utilize MMPP. Am I still able to enroll?
I think I budgeted correctly for my payment plan, but how do I know for sure?
I think my original budget is too high, because I received additional financial aid. Can I adjust my payments?
What methods of payment are available?
Can I reactivate my terminated contract?
I have not yet received my financial aid package. How do I determine a budget?
Can I sign up for a payment plan for the summer?
Is there a way to set up a payment plan while I am in your office?
My parent signed up for a payment plan, but I requested financial aid for living expenses. When will I get my financial aid refund?