Transfer Central - Undergraduate Students
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Transfer Central-US Institutions
Currently enrolled undergraduate students who wish to take courses at another US institution for transfer to Marquette may review established equivalencies to Transfer Central-US Institutions. This review is unofficial. To obtain an official approval, students must submit a Transfer Course Request form in CheckMarq before enrolling in the external course.
If approved, transfer credit will be posted to your record in CheckMarq only after the submission and review of your official transcript per the University Transfer policy.
Transfer Central-International Institutions
Currently enrolled undergraduate students who wish to take courses at an international institution for transfer to Marquette find the process to obtain approval for study abroad course and may review established equivalencies at Transfer Central-International Institutions. This website includes the Study Abroad Course Approval form that must be submitted to the student's college and approved prior to leaving for a Study Abroad program.
Currently enrolled international undergraduate students who wish to take courses at an institution in their home country for transfer to Marquette will find the process to obtain approval and review established equivalencies at Transfer Central-International Institutions. To obtain official approval, students must submit an External Transfer Course Request: International Undergraduate form before enrolling in the external international course.
If approved, transfer credit will be posted to your record in CheckMarq only after the submission and review of your official transcript per the University Transfer policy.
Navigating Transfer Central-International Institutions
To find an institution, enter the institution or a portion of the institution from which you wish to transfer credit in the College/University field.
View transfer/test credit report
Transfer credits and/or test credits (AP, CLEP or International Baccalaureate) can be viewed in the Transfer Credit tile in CheckMarq to see how these credits transfer to your Marquette record.
Step 1: Log in to CheckMarq
Follow this link for details on how to navigate in the CheckMarq Student Home (formerly known as Student Center).

Step 2: View My Transfer Credit
Select View Transfer Credit from the left navigation menu. The View Transfer Credit page will load.
Credits transferred from other schools will show in the Course Credits section. Credit earned from tests (AP, CLEP, or International Baccalaureate) will show in the Test Credits section.
Look at the Equivalent Course and Units columns to see the equivalent Marquette course and how many credits were applied to your degree.

How do my transfer credits fit into my degree plan?
If you already have a degree plan in place, you will see these credits reflected on your Degree Progress reports.
If you do not yet have a degree plan or are considering a different major, use the View What-If Report link in the left navigation menu to see how these transfer credits would apply to your degree requirements based on alternate or additional college, major or minor information.
See more information on using various degree progress reports.
Approval to study at other institutions
If you plan to study at another institution, you must obtain written approval for each course before enrollment in the course. If prior approval is not obtained, the university reserves the right to not accept the credits earned at the other institution. Access the Transfer Central links above to start your search for courses that may have already been reviewed by Marquette.
Upon completion of the course work, it is your responsibility to have official transcript(s) sent directly from the institution(s) to Marquette. No credits will be posted to a student's record until an official transcript is received, processed and evaluate by the appropriate college/school.
Whenever courses are taken outside Marquette, and particularly in the student's final semester at Marquette, Marquette must receive all official transcripts from other institutions by the last day to receive official transcripts, as listed on the Academic Calendar, or the student's graduation date may be delayed by one term.