Marquette University offers students a variety of work opportunities both on and off-campus that are classified as Federal Work Study, Community Service Federal Work Study, Marquette Student Employment, or Job Location and Development. On-campus jobs may include working with:
- Residence Life
- Undergraduate Admissions
- Campus Ministry
- Student Development
- Sodexho Food Services
- Campus Recreation
- Raynor and Memorial Libraries,
- Campus Safety,
- Parking Services,
- Information Technology Services,
- Facilities Services,
- The Alumni Memorial Union,
- Career Center,
- Major Colleges and Departments
- Marquette Spirit Shop
- Many others!
Please see JobX - Student Employee Training for assistance with:
- Logging in to JobX (
- How to use JobMail
- Finding a Job
- Applying for a Job
- Managing applications and jobs (My Dashboard)
What paperwork is required?
All new employees are required to complete paperwork, the final step of the hiring process, upon securing an on-campus job or an off-campus community service job. By the third business day of the hire, the new employees will come to Marquette Central Zilber Hall Room 121 to complete the Form I-9 and OSHA Hazard Communication Training. They will also receive information about completing the W-4 and signing up for Direct Deposit.
What Should I Bring?
When coming to Marquette Central, please bring a copy of the JobX Placement form that your employer will give you and original (not copies of) documentation that verifies your identity and employment authorization. The List of Acceptable Documents describes what meets these criteria. International Students will also need to bring the following items to Zilber Hall: unexpired passport, I-94 card, and I-20 form.
International Students will also need to apply for a social security number (check with the Office of International Education for details). However, international students may begin work prior to obtaining their SSN card. Once they receive their SSN card they should bring it in to the Office of Student Employment so their record may be updated.
What Should I Expect To Do?
A Marquette Central advisor will distribute and explain what needs to be completed on the I-9 and OSHA Hazard Communication Training, and you will complete these forms on site. The advisor will also inspect your documentation and complete section 2 of the Form I-9. Once done, the Marquette Central advisor will date stamp your JobX Placement Form, and you can return this form to your employer as a sign that your new hire paperwork is all completed.
You will receive separate handouts to take home with you to complete the W-4 form online through MyJob and setting up Direct Deposit through CheckMarq.
Do I Need to Complete Another Form I-9 If I’ve Already Completed One?
Form I-9s last the duration of your Marquette career if there have not been any breaks of employment of three years since the Form I-9 was completed.
What Happens If I Don’t Complete My Form I-9?
According to Federal law, student employees who fail to complete their Form I-9 are not eligible to work. Any hire that had been made will be terminated until the student completes the required paperwork.