529 Plans and Third Party Sponsored Students

529 Plans

A 529 Plan is an education savings plan managed by a state or educational institution. It is designed to help families set aside funds for future college costs.

If your family has a 529 Plan, you should contact the plan provider to find out exactly what it will cover and how it is paid. If your provider allows you to draw funds directly from your plan, you do not need to notify our office. Simply request the funds be mailed directly to the Office of the Bursar. Or, if they mail the funds directly to you in your name, you may then use those funds to make a payment directly to our office. Information is available about payment options on the Marquette Central site.

If your 529 Plan provider requires that the school sends them a bill directly, let them know that you will be attending Marquette University. The 529 Plan providers must then send notification to our office in order for the school to bill the 529 Plan providers. Have the plan provider send the student’s name and plan information to:

Marquette University
Office of the Bursar
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881

529 Plans that are billed by the school will not be invoiced until after the university registration add/drop date. You should estimate what your 529 Plan will be paying, and make arrangements to pay the remainder prior to the published due date. Failure to pay your portion of the semester charges will result in a registration/transcript hold.

Third Party Sponsored Students

The Office of the Bursar works with students who receive tuition assistance through a third party. The third party will be billed for all or part of a student’s financial account charges after the university registration add/drop date.

Please note: we cannot offer third party contracts for institutions that pay after the student completes the course. If your employer requires grades prior to paying for a class, we cannot set them up as a third party sponsor

Currently we work with US Government/state agencies, embassies, and approved employers. To credit the student’s account, the sponsor must submit an authorization letter or voucher to our office indicating the following:

The third party sponsorship authorization letter or voucher may be submitted via email, fax (414) 288-4080, or mail to:

Marquette University
Office of the Bursar-Third Party Billing
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881

Please note
that a payment from a third party sponsor may affect your financial aid eligibility.