Important Information About This Handbook

This handbook has been prepared to provide you with general information about Marquette and the policies of the university that affect you as a student employee.

The policies, procedures and rules described in this handbook are not to be considered an employment contract. Marquette reserves the right to improve, modify, revoke, suspend, terminate or change any or all policies, procedures and rules, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice. Major changes in policies, rules and procedures will be published, and it will be your responsibility to include these in your handbook.

In some instances, the special nature of your department will require policies, rules or procedures that are unique to the needs of that area. Such policies, rules, or procedures may vary from those described in this handbook.

Should you have any questions regarding student personnel policies, rules and procedures, contact your supervisor or email .

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FWS is a type of federally funded financial aid. In order to receive FWS a student must apply for financial aid in January and have financial need. FWS is awarded to students in their financial aid package based on financial need and by completing the financial aid process as soon as you can.

If you do not apply for financial aid, apply for financial aid late or do not have financial need, you will be offered Marquette Student Employment. MSE is funded 100 percent by the university.

Both FWS and MSE allow students to work on campus. There are also some off-campus FWS positions in non-profit agencies. All students are paid according to the skill level of the position they hold, not according to a certain work program or their year in school.


Work hour limitations for full-time and half-time students — undergraduate and graduate students

It is Marquette’s position that supervisors are not permitted to schedule student employees more than 20 hours per week when classes are in session. Students are permitted to work up to 37.5 hours per week during winter and summer breaks. Supervisors are responsible for avoiding situations where students are assigned overtime hours. Per federal regulation, F-1 and J-1 students may not work more than 20 hours per week while school is in session. They may, however, work more than 20 hours per week during winter and summer breaks. Violation of this regulatory limit will impact a student’s legal status and eligibility for benefits of that status including on-campus employment. If you have questions about the regulatory limits on F-1 and J-1 on-campus employment, please see the Office of International Education website or contact OIE at (414) 288-7289.

The University’s Payroll Department (Comptroller’s Office) monitors student employee work hours submitted for payment. In cases where the work hour limitations for full-time, half-time and less than half-time students are exceeded in a given week, the Payroll Department will contact the student employee’s supervisor(s) and remind him/her of the limitation.

Work hour limitations for Graduate Assistants
Graduate Assistants must be full-time students (7 or more credit hours or full-time equivalent) to qualify for their assistantship and are expected to work approximately 20 hours per week performing work assigned by faculty members.

Note: Time spent by Graduate Assistants working on their thesis or dissertations will not be taken into consideration in evaluating total work hours spent each week to satisfy the requirements for their Graduate Assistantships.

The Graduate School and directors of graduate programs in the various colleges emphasize that, in order to provide sufficient time to complete their graduate course work, faculty restrict graduate assistants to 20 hours of work per week.

Less Than Half-Time Students — Fall and Spring Semesters
The same 20 hours per week restriction applies to less-than-half-time students

If you have Federal Work Study, then you must carefully monitor the number of hours that you work per week. You want a schedule that allows you to utilize your full work award, but you may not exceed the amount that you were awarded. If you feel that you may exceed your FWS award, then you must speak with your supervisor. Once your FWS is depleted you may be terminated from the FWS position. Your supervisor may or may not keep you on under the a Student Work Opportunity program.

Students may not work past their graduation date as a student employee. If you wish to to remain employed by Marquette after graduation, contact the Human Resources Department at (414) 288-7305.


Marquette University strongly recommends that all students sign up for Direct Deposit. Instructions for setting up a Direct Deposit account can be found here. Student pay dates are listed on the Student Payroll Calendar.

Students signed up for Direct Deposit can view their paychecks online at MyJob (restricted to campus or Marquette VPN). Students not signed up for Direct Deposit may pick up their paychecks in Marquette Central, Zilber Hall, Room 121.

Student employment earnings are not directly credited to your student account. Students are paid every two weeks for hours worked through university employment.

If you expected a paycheck but it was not available, talk to your supervisor immediately. Your paycheck may be delayed until the following pay day if the salary paperwork was submitted late. Students will be paid for all hours worked.


Marquette University student employees are required to report to work on time and comply with their established work schedules. Absences place additional burdens on other student employees and reduce the efficiency of the university. Therefore, student employees are expected to meet satisfactory attendance standards by beginning and ending work at their scheduled times and attending to personal matters at times outside of scheduled working hours. Good attendance is a critically important job requirement.

The university is required by law to record and pay for hours actually worked.  Time actually worked for student employees is documented by EmpCenter. Student employees are responsible for accurately recording their time worked for each scheduled workday. 

Falsification of the time record is a serious violation of university policy and is, in essence, theft.  Such falsification will result in corrective action, up to and including immediate discharge.

Grace Period

Punches collected in the EmpCenter system are set to record the start and end of the day/shift and are rounded at 7:59 minutes before and after each quarter hour. Rounding is done on each quarter hour: 00, 15, 30, 45, and the grace period lasts from 7:59 minutes before the quarter hour through 7:59 minutes after the quarter hour.  The grace period is in place to provide employees with ample time to punch in prior to their start time.  The actual time that an employee clocks in is the official time used for tracking attendance.

For example, if a student employee’s schedule requires an 8:30 a.m. start time and the student employee clocks in at 8:35 a.m., the student employee is considered late even though paid time is calculated for that day beginning at 8:30 a.m.   If a student employee’s schedule requires a 4:30 p.m. end time and the student employee clocks out at 4:25 p.m. that student employee is considered to have left early, even though paid time is calculated to 4:30 p.m. Student employees punching out and leaving prior to their scheduled end time without prior supervisor authorization will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of employment.


  • I-9 Form

    The I-9 Form must be completed with the Office of Student Employment by the third business day of the hire.

  • W-4 Statement
    The default for the W-4 form is Zero/Single. If you are claiming anything other than Zero/Single, then you will need to complete the W-4 form. Students enrolled full- time or half-time will not be subject to FICA tax. Foreign students must complete the W-4 form; however, they are not subject to the same tax guidelines. The W-4 form can be completed at MyJob. Students will not have access to MyJob until three business days after the hire is entered into JobX.
  • Timesheets in EmpCenter
    Timesheets must be completed in the Empcenter Timekeeping system. Supervisors must approve timesheets in EmpCenter by the appropriate deadline dates.


  • Speak with your supervisor to confirm that your hire was entered into JobX (Allow three day processing time).
  • Confirm that your supervisor approved your timesheet via the EmpCenter Timekeeping system by the appropriate deadline dates.
  • Confirm that you signed up for Direct Deposit. If you have not signed up for Direct Deposit, you may have a paper check waiting for you in the Payroll office.
  • Contact the Payroll department for assistance.


Falsification or unauthorized altering of timesheets by student employees is subject to corrective action including immediate termination.


There are no state or federal regulations that require lunch periods or breaks be given. However, it is recommended that any employee who works in excess of six hours at a time be given a one-half hour unpaid break or lunch period.


Each department has an obligation to provide the best possible support to the university in the accomplishment of its goals. In order to fulfill this obligation, departments need every employee to be on duty every day he/she is scheduled to work. Any absence places an additional burden upon other employees and reduces the efficiency of the department. All student employees, therefore, are expected to strive for perfect attendance by:

  1. Maintaining reasonable health standards
  2. Making every effort to work safely
  3. Not permitting minor indisposition's or inconveniences to keep them away from the job
  4. Attending to personal affairs and obligations outside of their working hours

Good attendance is a most important job requirement. Failure to meet the requirement of good attendance can result in dismissal. Some departments have their own specific attendance and punctuality policies. Check with your supervisor regarding their own policy.

An employee is absent when the employee fails to report for and remain at work as scheduled. An employee is not considered absent, of course, during periods such as vacation, holidays and approved days off or leaves of absence, provided that the supervisor has been informed. An employee who knows he/she is going to be absent or late has the responsibility to call the department indicating the expected length of absence and giving a specific reason. The employee is responsible for properly notifying the department as far in advance of his/her starting time as possible, but no later than his/her scheduled starting time. Since exam schedules are set by each professor/instructor at the beginning of each semester, necessary time off for studying should be scheduled in advance.


Frequent absences, including tardiness, constitute an unsatisfactory record. An employee who is chronically unable to be present at work cannot fulfill the job for which he/she was hired. Recurring illness also constitutes unsatisfactory attendance. One or two days of absence without notification in a three-month period is considered to be excessive and reason for dismissal. Three or more days in a month or six or more days in a three-month period of reported absences is excessive and reason for dismissal. A written note from an employee's physician or from Marquette University Medical Clinic may be requested to verify an illness or injury or to ensure that the employee is sufficiently recovered to return to work.


If you find that you are unhappy in an employment situation, we suggest that you talk openly with your supervisor. If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact Student Employment Services in the Office of Student Financial Aid to intercede and attempt to find a mutually satisfying resolution. Your supervisor has the right to place you in a position of their choosing within their office or department. If you are unsatisfied with the change, you may either choose to keep the position or seek another position on campus. Your supervisor also has the right to institute reasonable policies and procedures in the interest of university.


The nature of your position with the university will determine the type of dress that will be appropriate for work. All university student employees are expected to dress in a manner which will present a favorable image of the university to the community. Any specific dress requirements for your position will be reviewed with you by your supervisor.


To assist with the efficient operation of the university and to insure the safety and well being of those at the university, the following rules of conduct are in force. The rules of conduct are not for the purpose of restricting the rights and activities of employees, but are intended to help employees by defining and protecting the rights and safety of all persons. Employees are expected to acquaint themselves with these rules and other work rules specific to their department. It is for conduct such as that defined below that employees will be subject to corrective action including suspension or termination depending upon the severity of the violation. These rules include, but are not limited to: 

  1. Unauthorized use and/or possession of intoxicating beverages, narcotics or dangerous drugs on university premises; or reporting to work under the influence of intoxicating beverages, narcotics or dangerous drugs.
  2. Fighting, gambling, use of profane, obscene or abusive language while at work.
  3. Carrying unauthorized weapons.
  4. Behaving in a discourteous or disrespectful manner toward a supervisor.
  5. Refusal to carry out the instructions of a supervisor (insubordination).
  6. Leaving the job without permission during regularly assigned working hours.
  7. Sleeping while on duty.
  8. Creating unsafe conditions.
  9. Stealing or unauthorized removal or use of property belonging to the university, to employees, students or visitors of the university.
  10. Loss, damage or destruction of property belonging to the University or to employees, students or visitors to the university.
  11. Unwillingness or inability to work in harmony with others, discourtesy or conduct creating discord.
  12. Mailing or posting any notice, circular, or display on University premises without permission.
  13. Failure to comply with policies and procedures of the University and those specific to a department.


Some positions at the university will involve regular access to confidential information. It is expected that such information will not be discussed with relatives, friends or others outside the university or in the public areas of the university. Confidential information should be discussed with other employees only when it is necessary for the performance of the job.

In some areas, release of information is governed by specific laws. If such laws affect your position you will be advised by your supervisor. You may be asked to sign a confidentiality statement depending on the department's policy.

A breach of confidentiality is subject to immediate dismissal or corrective action.


On Nov. 6, 1989, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Immigration Reform Control Act. This act makes it unlawful to knowingly hire an immigrant who is not properly authorized to work in the United States. Therefore, all students must submit an I-9 form and verification of identity and employment authorization by their third day of employment at the university. This is done at Marquette Central.

Students must complete this procedure when they are initially hired as a Marquette student employee. They do not need to complete this procedure during subsequent years even though they may be employed in a different position within the university or an off-campus (FWS) agency. If eligibility for employment has a specific expiration date, then students will need to update their paperwork to continue employment. Students will not receive a referral and salary authorization form until their eligibility to be employed has been verified.


OSHA requires that all employers develop a written training program for all their employees exposed to chemical hazards. As part of the new hire paperwork, all student employees should have received information titled "Hazard Communication." Employees are also required to sign a statement that you received this information. A copy of Marquette's written Hazard Communication Program is available for review as part of the new hire paperwork student employees receive at Marquette Central. Some departments require that their student employees be involved in further or additional training.


Marquette University provides all employees with worker's compensation insurance. For your own safety and well-being and the proper administration of this program, the following steps must be followed when you have been injured on the job.


Comprehensive emergency procedures are outlined on the inside front cover of the Campus Directory. In general, call the Marquette University Police Department at 1911 in case of fire, medical emergencies, criminal activity or bomb threats. MUPD staff members are trained to execute the proper procedures. As a public service, MUPD is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The university has numerous emergency telephones (identified by blue lights) adjacent to parking areas and walkways, which provide direct contact with the Marquette University Police Department. These telephones should be utilized by the Marquette community to summon assistance in emergencies and also to report suspicious activity or circumstances.

In the event of a tornado warning, building occupants should move to an appropriate area of the building in which they are located. Holthusen Hall, Helfaer Theater and the Helfaer Recreation Center have specific areas designated for tornado safety. Supervisory personnel in these buildings will direct occupants to safe zones. In all other buildings, personnel should move to an interior area of a lower floor. Stay away from windows.


Healthier employees, in general, are happier and more productive. The university, in showing its concern for employees, offers a variety of services to encourage physical, as well as spiritual and emotional wellness: 


It is recommended that a work performance evaluation for each student employee be conducted at least once each academic year. The Employee Evaluation Form should be completed by the student employee and the student's employer, after which both should discuss the evaluation results and formulate goals for the future. This process should be used to facilitate interaction between the student and the supervisor. This form is to be used for departmental evaluation and is not to be sent to Student Employment Services. Copies of the Employee Evaluation Form are available from Student Employment Services.


If an employer or supervisor feels there is a problem regarding a student's employment performance, it is recommended that the supervisor speak to the student about the concern. If the concern is of a serious nature, or continues to be a problem, a Corrective Discipline Interview Form is available for use. This form is to be completed by the supervisor and should outline the problem. Suggestions for improvements should be made and the expected date of improvement should be indicated. Both the student employee and the supervisor should sign the form so there is mutual understanding of the situation. If improvement is not seen by the supervisor, termination may be the outcome.


Students who are ill should contact their supervisor as soon as they know they will not be able to report to work as scheduled. Refer to the attendance and punctuality procedures. Sick days are unpaid.


If you will not be working your regularly scheduled hours during a break period or holiday, inform your supervisor as soon as you know. Vacation days and holidays are unpaid.


You may cash your paycheck at Town Bank, located in the Alumni Memorial Union on the first floor, which is open 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. You must provide proper identification. Town Bank charges $5 for check cashing for students who do not have a Town Bank account. Students may call Town Bank at (414) 255-1860 with questions.


It is not unusual for Student Employment Services and/or Payroll to receive calls from a variety of organizations asking to verify a student’s employment. Typically this will happen if you apply for permanent employment, credit, etc. In order to protect the privacy of our students, no information will be given out over the phone. A written request including a signed release from the student should be sent to or faxed to (414) 288-1718. Student Employment will provide Job Title with start and end dates. Any earnings information must come from the Payroll department.


As Marquette University is committed to maintaining an environment in which the dignity and worth of each member of its community are respected, it is a policy of the university that sexual harassment of the students and employees will not be tolerated and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment by or of either sex is prohibited by state and federal anti-discrimination law. It is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature. In the university context, it includes instances when such conduct is indicated to be a term or condition of an individual's academic or employment experience, used as a basis for academic and employment performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive academic or employment environment.

Even consensual relationships may lead to or derive from potentially exploitative circumstances. Any exploitation of the trust inherent in Marquette's institutional context is abhorred. Of course, non-exploitative attachments also can develop in such relationships. But given the potential for exploitation or favoritism by even the well-meaning, the individual faculty or staff person carries the burden to disengage from, or otherwise neutralize, any relationships which hold potential for exploitation or favoritism. This applies whether the relationship involves students or staff colleagues. Anyone finding him/her self in such a situation should seek guidance and assistance as needed from university personnel, with the objective of neutralizing any exploitative potential. Failure to neutralize any such potential of any such relationship can constitute grounds for disciplinary actions up to and including termination for all classifications of university employee.

It shall be a violation of university policy for anyone — student, faculty or staff — to engage in any form of sexual harassment or to retaliate against a person who has initiated an inquiry or complaint.

Any student with a complaint should contact the dean of students or his/her academic dean or director. Any employee with a complaint concerning students or employees should contact his/her immediate supervisor. If the complaint is with the supervisor, the employee should contact the supervisor's immediate supervisor. Any student or employee may also contact the director of affirmative action for counseling and assistance. The right to confidentiality of any party involved, including the complainant and the accused, will be respected insofar as it does not interfere with the university's obligation to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action where appropriate.


Marquette University, as a Christian and Catholic institution, is dedicated to the proposition that all human beings possess an inherent dignity in the eyes of their creator and equality as children of God. The university entirely and consistently condemns, as a matter of principle, any unlawful or wrongful discrimination against the rights of others.

As the university is committed to maintaining an environment in which the dignity and worth of each member of its community is respected, it is the policy of the university that racial abuse or harassment of or by students, faculty, staff and guests or visitors will not be tolerated. Such behavior of identified individuals or groups will be subject to appropriate action including but not limited to education, probation, suspension or expulsion, from the institution or the campus, and/or civil or criminal action in some instances.

Racial abuse is defined ordinarily as verbal, written, or physical conduct directed at a person or a group based on one's color, race, national origin, or ethnicity where the offensive behavior is intimidating, hostile, or demeaning, or which could or does result in mental, emotional, or physical discomfort, embarrassment, ridicule, or harm. Racial harassment differs from abuse only in that it is defined ordinarily as repeated, persistent or continual verbal, written or physical conduct directed at a person or a group or different individuals on separate occasions.

Racial abuse and harassment include not only offensive behavior which interferes with a person's or group's well-being or development, but also such behaviors which interfere with one's employment or educational status or performance, or which create a hostile working, academic, or social environment.

It is a violation for a university person — student, faculty, staff, guest or visitor or anyone else acting at the instigation of a university person — to: 

  1. Engage in any form of racial abuse or harassment intentionally or unintentionally on the campus, on the immediately adjoining sidewalks or streets or in the off-campus area.
  2. Retaliate against a person who has initiated an inquiry or complaint having to do with racial abuse or harassment.

Information about a concern or a complaint is available from the following offices: dean of students, Office of Intercultural Engagement, Office of International Education, academic deans/directors, and affirmative action.

Anyone with a concern or complaint about a student should contact the dean of students, Office of Intercultural engagement or OIE. Anyone with a complaint about an employee (including a student employee) should contact the person's immediate supervisor. If the complaint is with the immediate supervisor, the employee should contact the supervisor's immediate supervisor. A complaint about a guest or visitor should be called to the attention of the host or the supervisor of the area or event where the concern has arisen.

Any student or employee may also contact the director of affirmative action for counseling and assistance. The right of confidentiality for any party involved in a racial abuse or harassment incident, including the complainant and the accused, will be respected insofar as it does not interfere with the university's obligation to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action where appropriate.


Marquette University, as a Catholic university in the Jesuit educational tradition, is committed to support the personal faith life of its members beginning, obviously, with those in the Roman Catholic tradition. The university welcomes in its midst faculty, students, and staff members of varying religious backgrounds and persuasions with the understanding that its primary institutional religious commitment is to the Roman Catholic Church. The university respects the individual religious commitments of its members and in no case actively attempts to proselytize its members through its programs or sponsored activities. Similarly, the University does not allow any other individual or organization to actively proselytize university members using facilities, programs or activities controlled by the university. 

  1. This policy is not meant to discourage or inhibit the sharing or discussion of religious values or beliefs between members of the university community in a variety of contexts the educational community provides.
  2. Representatives of various religious affiliations may, with the approval of the director of Campus Ministry, provide on campus appropriate religious services for the members of their own affiliation.
  3. Representatives of non-denominational religious organizations may, with the approval of the director of Campus Ministry, provide appropriate religious services to members of the university who choose to participate in them.
  4. Students who are members of specific or general religious affiliations may, and in fact are encouraged to, form recognized student organizations for the purpose of supporting their own religious beliefs and practices. Such groups must be approved by the director of Campus Ministry in addition to the regular requirements for student organizations as defined in the student handbook.
  5. Similarly, members of the university faculty and staff who are members of a specific or general religious affiliation may, with the approval and sponsorship of the director of Campus Ministry, organize for the purpose of supporting their own religious belief and practice.
  6. While the office of Campus Ministry may provide instruction in the Roman Catholic faith to those who seek it, no individual or organization either internal or external to the university may carry on activities on campus the specific purpose of which is to proselytize, that is to make converts of, members of the university community to another church or religious affiliation.
  7. The university reserves the right to limit or restrict on-campus activity of any organization or individual whose purposes are directly contrary to the university's stated religious values and purposes. (The academic activity of the faculty, of course, is governed by the rules of academic freedom as defined in the Faculty Handbook, article III,C,1).


Marquette University is committed to maintaining a drug-free work environment in which the safety and well-being of its community members are of utmost importance. The abuse of licit drugs and/or the use of illicit drugs directly interferes with the development and performance of the individual, and the effects of that use/abuse diminish the working environment for all. It is a policy of the university that drugs in the workplace will not be tolerated. Employees must abide by this policy as a condition of employment.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited at the university. The controlled substances prohibited in the workplace include, but are not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, LSD, barbiturates, narcotics or other drugs not prescribed by a licensed physician for the treatment of a current medical disorder.

Violations of this university policy, which includes unlawful conduct, will be subject to corrective action, up to and including suspension or termination for the violation. Corrective actions will be progressive and applied equally to all employees, with the exception of those employees whose actions necessitate immediate and decisive disciplinary measures including suspension or discharge.

Corrective action normally will be administered in the following order: 

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Written Warning
  3. Final Written Warning or Suspension
  4. Suspension or Discharge

In the event that an employee is convicted under a criminal drug statute for conduct in the workplace, the employee must report the conviction to his/her immediate university supervisor no later than five days after the conviction. An employee so convicted may be subject to additional university action depending upon the individual circumstances.


In our society the identification of the presence of a life-threatening communicable disease such as AIDS may present a challenge in responding to both the community concerns and the individual's circumstances. Should an AIDS case be reported at Marquette University, our response will be based on compassion and concerns for the welfare of the afflicted individual and on protecting the Marquette community.

While we do not know with certainty all of the causes of AIDS, current medical knowledge indicates that students or employees with any form of human immunodeficiency virus infection do not pose a health risk to other students or employees in an educational community as long as they avoid any direct interchange of bodily fluids. The mere diagnosis of AIDS, AIDS-related Complex or AIDS virus antibodies is not, in itself, sufficient basis for the exclusion or dismissal of students or employees. Emotional and/or physical harassment of individuals suspected of being infected is not acceptable behavior at Marquette University and will be dealt with accordingly.

In any given instance, the university will proceed on a case-by-case basis, with the advice of medical professionals. The diagnosis of the condition, as is other medical information, is confidential.

An important role of the university in this area is education. The university will continue to review, revise and present health education programs aimed at providing facts and dispelling misunderstanding. Current Center for Disease Control health and safety guidelines for the handling of blood and other bodily fluids will be available on the computerized health information system accessible through any terminal on campus. These hygienic and safety procedures should be followed in the handling of all bodily fluids, both in health-related academic programs and in other areas of the university such as health services, housekeeping and food services. Supervisors of employees or students are expected to communicate these guidelines and to see that they are followed.

Individuals with questions about AIDS should consult their own physicians, the staff at the Marquette University Medical Clinic, and/or the Office of Disability Services.


Marquette University student-employees with documented disabilities are welcome to request reasonable accommodations needed to mitigate the effects of a medical, physical, sensory, or mental health diagnoses in the workplace, allowing them to perform the essential elements of their position.

Student-employees wishing to explore reasonable job-related accommodations must submit appropriate disability documentation, which includes description of the current effects related to job specific tasks, to the Office of Disability Services. This must be done within a period long enough to allow for the exploration and coordination of the accommodation request. Accommodation requests cannot be retroactive.

After determining that reasonable documentation is on file, an Office of Disability Services representative will reach out to the student-employee via their University email address to begin to explore the request for reasonable accommodations. After the initial request is made, the Office of Disability Services facilitates an interactive process between the student-employee and the appropriate supervisor to identify what workplace or policy modifications may be appropriate to allow for equal access. Some requests may necessitate input from the Office of Student Employment, and/or the Department of Human Resources; both offices will be made aware of pending accommodation requests.

Any agreed upon accommodations will be communicated via emailed memo, from the Office of Disability Services, to both the student-employee and their appropriate supervisor. A student-employee who feels that a reasonable accommodation request was inappropriately denied may use the Office of Disability Services grievance procedure to appeal the results of the interactive process.

Agreed upon accommodations will remain in place for the specific position that they were initially discussed, as long as the student-employee feels that they are necessary. A student-worker moving to a new position must contact the Office of Disability Services to explore the continued application of previously approved accommodations, as well as any that may be necessitated by new job elements.


The student has responsibilities to Student Employment Services and to the Office of Student Financial Aid. Since federal work study is based on financial need, the student who has been awarded FWS is expected to:

  1. Notify the Office of Student Financial Aid of any enrollment (credits) changes during the academic year.
  2. Maintain satisfactory academic progress (Refer to the Award Information Guide which is available from the Office of Student Financial Aid.)
  3. Earn no more than the predetermined work award.
  4. Notify the Office of Student Financial Aid of any changes in the family financial circumstances.
  5. Re-apply for financial aid each year according to the deadline dates.
  6. Submit all requested documents to the Office of Student Financial Aid in a timely manner.
  7. Notify Student Employment Services about problems with the supervisor or work situation that cannot be resolved between the student and the supervisor.