The Office of the Bursar produces semester bills, processes student payments and credits student accounts with financial aid. Semester bills include tuition, housing charges, and other applicable fees.
We strongly encourage students to enroll in direct deposit to ensure timely refunds.
Marquette University has an established relationship with TownBank (Tier 2) but you are not required to open or obtain a financial account through them. By signing up for Direct Deposit you may choose to have your funds deposited in an institution-sponsored account or into an existing account you own. Timely disbursement of your credit balance will occur regardless of where you bank.
Tuition refunds are automatically generated when a student's account comes to a credit balance. An account may come to a credit balance for a variety of reasons: financial aid exceeds tuition and other charges; combination of financial aid and personal payments exceeds charges; tuition adjustment for dropping a class; etc.
Tuition refunds are generated on Mondays and Thursdays. Weeks with a university holiday may require a different schedule. Students are notified that a refund will be available via their Marquette e-mail account the day the refund is available.
Tuition refunds are directly deposited into the student's checking or savings account. For further assistance, please contact Marquette Central.
Tuition refund and adjustment schedules
How do I sign up for direct deposit of my refund?
How long does it take before the direct deposit will be in effect?
How long will this authorization remain in place?
How will I know when my refund monies are deposited in to my bank account?
When will my funds be available?
I have received the direct deposit for the current term, but I have additional charges this term. Will money be removed from my account?
My financial aid has changed, and I now have charges on my account.
What should I do if I didn’t get my direct deposit after receiving email notification from the Bursar that it was sent?
What happens if my refund is returned by my bank?