Marquette University ITS


Set Up Guest Access to CheckMarq

Modified on: Sun, Aug 6 2023 10:57 AM

Students can share select student information with others through Guest Access to CheckMarq. Once set up, Guest Access lets others view grades, bursar and/or financial aid information, and make payments.

For Students: What Can You Share via Guest Access?

  • If you choose to share My Bursar Account access, your guest can see your current tuition balance. There are also links for your guest to pay tuition via credit card or e-payment.
  • If you choose My Financial Aid Account access, your guest can see aid offered to you and whether you accepted it. The guest cannot accept or decline financial aid.
  • If you choose My Grades access, your guest can see your final and mid-term grades.
  • If you have already set up guest access and you'd like to see what your guest sees, log out from CheckMarq as a student. Then log in as your guest.

For Students: How Do I Set Up Guest Access?

Guest Access to CheckMarq can only be set up by the student.

  1. Log into CheckMarq at
  2. From the CheckMarq Student Home, click or tap the Profile tile.
  3. The "My Profile" screen appears. Click or tap Setup Guest Access.
  4. Click or tap the appropriate yes/no switches to share My Grades, My Bursar Account, and/or My Financial Aid Account.
  5. Click or tap Submit.
  6. A page appears confirming your choices.
    First-time Users: You need to assign a password to your guest account. Be sure to click or tap the link for first-time guest password setup. A new browser tab appears requiring you to log in. Enter your Marquette username and password. After login, enter a separate password for the guest account. Make sure this guest password is different from your Marquette password.
  7. Note that your guest username is your Marquette username with "-g", or "hyphen g." So a student with username 1977goldeneaglei has a guest username of 1977goldeneaglei-g.
  8. Now you can share the guest username and guest password with your parent, guardian, spouse, or any other person you trust. Tell your guest to log in at

Remember: As a student, you are in control of the roles assigned to your guest and the password associated with the account.