If a class is full, wait listing allows you to add your name to an electronic wait list and potentially be added to the class, but only if space becomes available, and you meet all the course requirements.  Wait listing does not mean enrollment in a course and is not a guarantee of enrollment in a course.  The option to add your name to a wait list will begin on the first day of enrollment.  See the Academic Calendar for the deadline to add yourself to a wait list.

When you are on a wait list, it is up to you to monitor your enrollment.  If you no longer want the wait listed class you are responsible for dropping off the wait list.  When you are added to a class from the wait list and decide you no longer want the class, the normal add, drop, swap process applies.  It is recommended that you drop yourself from any wait list once you have set your final schedule.

Note:  the wait list option is not available for Marquette Core Curriculum Foundation and ESSV1 courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I add myself to a wait list?

Is there an option to drop another class that is already on my schedule if I am successfully enrolled from the wait list?

How will I be notified if I am taken off the wait list and added to a class?

What is the likelihood that I will be enrolled in a class from the wait list?

What is the deadline for adding myself to a wait list?

Where can I see that I am on the wait list for a class?

Where can I find my wait list position?

Can I take myself off a wait list?

Will I need a permission number to add myself to a wait list?

I can't add myself to a wait list because I will be over the credit limit.  What should I do?

How will my billing be affected when I am on the wait list for a class?

How is my financial aid affected when I am on the wait list for a class?

What do I do if I couldn't be taken off the wait list due to a hold?