Course Registration

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Student Registration Responsibilities

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Be prepared

To ensure successful registration, meet with your adviser.  If consent is required for a course, be certain you have a permission number from the college or department office before the end of registration for the session in which the course is offered.

Check if you have completed the prerequisites

You are responsible to be certain you have completed the necessary prerequisites before enrolling in a course.  For example, you must take ENGL 1001:  Rhetoric and Composition 1 before you can register for ENGL 1002:  Rhetoric and Composition 2.

Make all changes to your course registration

Changes to your registration and confirmation of the course sections for which you're officially registered are your responsibility.  You may make changes in your registration and confirm your schedule of courses via CheckMarq any time before registration ends for the session in which the course is offered.

Register before attending a course

You may not attend any section of a course for which you are not officially registered.  There are no exceptions to this policy.  It is your responsibility to be certain that you are officially registered before the close of registration for every course section you are taking, no matter who incorrectly tells you that you may attend the course section without being officially registered.  The university reserves the right to refuse credit for completion of any course section for which as of the close of registration you are not officially registered.

Make sure your schedule reflects the right courses

All courses for which you are officially registered as of the close of registration are subject to fee assessment and payment, and as such, appear as part of your permanent record even if you do not attend any sessions of the class.  Therefore, to avoid unnecessary charges and unnecessary courses with permanent failing or withdrawal grades on your permanent record, be certain that before registration ends, your official registration accurately reflects only those courses for which you plan to enroll. 


Need more help with registration?

Contact Marquette Central (414) 288-4000, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT Monday through Friday for assistance with CheckMarq registration. The available help is not intended to assist students with advising, course approvals, consent or permission to enroll in full course sections. For these issues, contact the appropriate registration monitor.