How Do I Identify How Classes Are Taught?
Your class schedule in CheckMarq provides valuable information about how your classes are being taught.
View Your Schedule
Step 1
Login to CheckMarq.
Step 2
Click on the Manage Classes tile.
Step 3
Under the My Classes folder, select View My Classes.
Step 4
There will be one or more sections listed for each of the classes on your schedule. Click on a section to view detailed information. If the class has more than one section number, review each of the sections since the meeting information could be different.

Step 5
When the Class Information window appears, click on each tab for more information.
- Meeting Information: shows meeting days, times, room, instructor, and class topics.
- Enrollment Information: shows prerequisites, class notes, class topic, and class attributes.
- Class Details: shows instruction mode, grading basis and number of units.
Instruction Modes
Identifies the delivery method for the class.

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In Person 0-19% distance learning
Primarily classroom-based section.
Mostly classroom-based section.
Blended classroom-based and distance learning section.
Mostly distance learning section.
Asynchronous Distance Learning
Fully distance learning section.
Synchronous Distance Learning
Fully distance learning section with scheduled virtual ("synchronous") meetings.
Class takes place in an experiential setting, typically off campus.
Content/work is delivered in a physical lab.
Course is delivered by meeting/discussions/research between student and faculty.
Undergraduate research-project is conducted under the direction of a faculty advisor.
Taught at another institution/entity, either domestic or international, with which Marquette has a contractual relationship to deliver the course.
Meeting Information

Meeting Days & Times
Identifies the meeting pattern for a class.
- Some sections may have multiple meeting patterns with distinct rooms and meeting dates listed.
- If TBA is listed, there are no scheduled class meetings for the meeting pattern. Examples of classes without scheduled meetings include fully online classes without virtual meetings ("asynchronous"), experiential-based classes (e.g., internship), and independent study classes.
Identifies where the class is meeting if there are meeting days & times.
- Classes scheduled to have virtual ("synchronous") meetings will have meeting days & times with Distance Learning as the room.
- If there are meeting days & times listed and the room is TBA, a classroom has not yet been assigned to the class, but it is currently scheduled to meet in-person.
Meeting Dates
Identifies dates of the class. In most cases, these will align with the semester dates, although some classes only meet for a portion of the semester or on select dates during the semester.
Enrollment Information

Class Attributes
Indicates various aspects of the class, some related to core requirements met by the course while others could reflect how the course is being taught. For instance, class attributes would indicate if some class periods are being streamed virtually at scheduled times ("synchronous") or replaced with out-of-class work ("asynchronous").
Class Notes
Provide additional miscellaneous information regarding the class.