How Do I Drop or Withdraw From Classes?

Please review the information below when considering whether to remove a class from your schedule.

Understanding Drops and Withdrawals
Class Drops
Class Withdrawals
Term Withdrawals

Understanding Drops and Withdrawals

Removing a class from your schedule is either considered a drop or withdrawal depending on when the class is removed relative to drop and withdrawal deadlines of the session in which the class is scheduled. 

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Timing of Drops and Withdrawals


Identifying Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines

Class Drops

A class that is removed from your schedule prior to the drop deadline for its session is a class drop.

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Academic Implications (Class Drops)

Tuition/Fee Implications (Class Drops)

Financial Aid Implications (Class Drops)

Steps to Drop a Class

Class Withdrawals

A class that is removed from your schedule after the drop deadline for its session is a class withdrawal.  

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Academic Implications (Class Withdrawals)

Tuition/Fee Implications (Class Withdrawals)

Financial Aid Implications (Class Withdrawals)

Steps to Withdraw from a Class

Term Withdrawals

Withdrawing from all your classes in a semester is considered a term withdrawal.

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Academic Implications (Term Withdrawals)

Tuition/Fee Implications (Term Withdrawals)

Financial Aid Implications (Term Withdrawals)

Steps to Withdraw from a Term

Future Enrollment after a Term Withdrawal