F-1 Regulations & Maintaining Your F-1 Status

The U.S. government places requirements on F-1 students and also on the universities that have government permission to enroll them. Each Marquette F-1 students is responsible to know and follow these regulations in order to maintain their F-1 status. Please be sure to review the Maintaining Your F-1 Status section below, which provides a summary of the F-1 regulations, to ensure you can maintain your status by knowing and following these regulations. Failure to follow these regulations will result in the termination of your SEVIS record and likely loss of legal status.

Students with questions about their F-1 status, or about the forms and procedures below, are strongly advised to schedule an appointment with an OIE DSO/advisor well before any related regulatory or institutional deadlines as OIE's abiltity to advise and assist students is extremely limited after these deadlines.  

Forms and Procedures

This section contains the MU forms, and related procedures, needed to comply with F-1 regulations. These forms can be printed and submitted to OIE via email or in person as needed to comply with the F-1 regulations. Most OIE forms require three (3) to four (4) business days for processing.

Address Change Form

Students with F-1 status and J-1 Exchange Visitors are required to notify OIE within 10 days of any change in their residence address so that the SEVIS database will be updated in a timely manner. To update your address in SEVIS complete the SEVIS Change of Address Form (pdf) form below. Remember to also update your address in the Marquette database by using CheckMarq.

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Enrollment Verification

Current students needing proof of enrollment or tuition can request this via Marquette Central - see How do I Verify Enrollment or GPA webpage. (Note that OIE does not issue letters to support non F-1/J-1 visa applications. See the Invitation Letter section of this page for more details.)

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Dependents (F-2 Status)

The spouse and/or children under age 21 of F-1 students in valid status may receive an F-2 Form I-20 from OIE to apply for an F-2 visa at a U.S. embassy or consulate.  To request an F-2 I-20 you must provide OIE with the Dependent Request form below, financial documentation for dependent expenses, and a copy of each dependent's passport. 

At the visa appointment, the F-2 applicant(s) will likely be asked for evidence of relationship (e.g. marriage or birth certificate) and appropriate financial support. MU's financial estimate for a spouse is $12,000 per year and $6,000 per year for a child with spouse present. 

F-2 dependents may not be employed or engaged in business. F-2 dependents may enroll in a less than full-time course of study at the post-secondary level even if the course of study leads to a degree. They may also enroll full-time in avocational or recreational studies. F-2 children may engage in full-time study in grades K - 12.

F-2 dependents may generally enter the U.S. with our without the F-1 as long as they have a valid passport and visa and an I-20 properly signed on page 2 for reentry.

F-2 dependents are eligible for the same health insurance plan as F-1 students. Sign up and payment are done by the F-1 student via their MyAccount health insurance portal

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Off-Campus Employment and Practical Training

F-1 students may not work off-campus except in limited circumstances where the employment is allowed by the F-1 regulations and authorized in advance. Detailed information on each type of off-campus employment authorization, including application process details and forms, can be found via the links below:

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Extending F-1 Status: Program Completion and Change Of Academic Level 

Students who will not complete their academic program by the Program End Date on their current Form I-20, or who will begin a new level of study at Marquette in the semester immediately following their current I-20 Program End Date, must work with a MU DSO to extend their F-1 status. To receive an extension for one of these reasons, students must meet the relevant eligibility conditions below and also submit an extension request as specified.



Application Process:

To apply for an extension, submit the following items to your OIE DSO:

Timing and Deadlines:

Extensions to complete academic programs are generally requested and granted during the last semester before the current I-20 Program End Date and must be approved by OIE before this date. Requests for Extensions must be received at least 3 weeks before the end of the semester or processing is not guaranteed. 

Extension of Stay and the F-1 Full-Time Enrollment Requirement:

If the new graduation/i-20 Program Completion Date in your extension request is in August, remember that that summer effectively becomes your final semester of studies and you must either enroll full-time in that final summer or request permission in advance from OIE to be less than full-time during that summer. Full-time enrollment is 12 credits for undergraduates and 7 credits or the equivalent (i.e. dissertation credits, continuation courses) for graduate students. 




To apply for an extension, your OIE advisor must receive the following:

Timing and Deadlines:

Extensions due to a Change of Academic Level must be approved by OIE by the end of 60-day grace period after the I-20 Program Completion Date. (Or, for students on post-completion OPT, by the last day of approved OPT). Requests for extensions must be received at least 3 weeks before the end of the grace period or OPT or processing is not guaranteed. 

Extension Requests and Passport Validity:

Passports must be valid for at least six months into the future at all times during F-1 status, so students requesting an extension of their F-1 status should confirm their passport validity will remain appropriate for the duration of their extension and take action to renew their passport as necessary.  

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Health Insurance

Health care in the United States is expensive and health insurance is necessary to protect international students and scholars in case of serious problems. All Marquette international students with F-1 status, students and scholars with J-1 status and dependents with J-2 status are required to have acceptable year-round health insurance coverage for their entire duration of stay.

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I-94 Verification

As of April 30, 2013, the U.S. Customs and Broder Protection automated the I-94 process for visitors entering the U.S. by air. The CBP officer will stamp your passport when you enter the U.S., but you will not receive a Form I-94 (the small white card). Please make sure that the CBP stamp in your passport is legible with your entry date and visa type.

You can verify your I-94 number and print your entry details at the CBP website: www.cbp.gov/i94. This information will be necessary for any on-campus employment, OPT applications, applying for a driver's license, etc.

If your I-94 contains incorrect information, contact the local (Milwaukee) CBP Deferred Inspection Site for assistance. (Click on the Chicago drop down option to see contact information for CBP’s Milwaukee Deferred Inspection Site.) You should br ready to provide a brief explanation of the issue (e.g. I-94 shows travel history but can’t print I-94, wrong status listed) and be ready to provide related documents like your MU I-20, airline tickets, etc. 

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Income Taxes

As a Foreign National student or scholar, you need to file tax forms each year with the IRS, even if you earned no income. It is your responsibility to understand and meet your tax obligations.

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Invitation Letter

The US government has stated that an invitation letter is not required for visa issuance. Since a letter written by OIE plays no part in the visa issuance process, OIE does not issue invitation letters. Students are welcome to write their own invitation letter for family and friends to visit them if they wish.

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Leave of Absence

Students who must withdraw completely from the university should request written approval from a DSO before withdrawing. In very unusual situations, a student may have to withdraw from the university before the end of the term. If the student receives written approval from the DSO before withdrawing, the student will have 15 days of legal status to depart from the United States. But if the student withdraws without the DSO’s written approval, the student will lose F-1 status as soon as he or she withdraws.

Students who request a leave of absence should also meet with their academic advisor to learn the process for their College or Department.

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Maintaining Your F-1 Status

The purpose of this information is to explain the main requirements for F-1 students whose F-1 status is based on a Form I-20 that was issued by Marquette University.

The United States government places requirements on F-1 students and also on the universities which have received government permission to enroll them. Each Marquette F-1 student is responsible to know the following information. More information is available at the Office of International Education (OIE) located in Holthusen Hall, 4th Floor, telephone (414) 288-7289. OIE advisors are happy to talk with students about their status.

Vocabulary Regarding Your F-1 Status

Requirements to Keep Your F-1 Visa Status

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Enroll Full Time Every Semester

Online and Distance Learning Classes

Summer Session Enrollment before an August Graduation

Enroll on time

Receive DSO Permission in Writing before Becoming Part-Time or Withdrawing Completely

To Transfer to Marquette from another U.S. School - Complete the SEVIS Transfer Procedure

Complete Your Authorized Program of Studies before Your D/S Date

Changing Your Degree Level of Study within Marquette - Apply on time at OIE

Traveling Outside the United States - Arrange for Documents and Signatures

If You Transfer to Another U.S. University - Complete the SEVIS Transfer Procedure

Depart from the United States on time after Your D/S Date

On-Campus Employment - Work Only the Permissible Number of Hours per Week

Off-Campus Work & Internships -  Requires Optional or Curricular Practical Training Authorization

Contact a DSO Promptly if You Encounter Severe Financial Problems

Plan Ahead to Continue Your Health Insurance

Required SEVIS Reporting - Always Keep Your SEVIS Record Up to Date 

Keep Your Passport Valid at All Times

Arrange Documents for Any Family Dependents with F-2 Visa Status

Keep Your Old Documents

Please Plan Ahead

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Online and Distance Learning Courses

If an F-1 visa student wants to take a class that is 100% online or distance learning, no more than the equivalent of one class or three credits can count toward the requirement for full-time enrollment. Online or distance learning courses do not require physical attendance for classes, examinations or other purposes integral to completion of the class. For example, an undergraduate student registered for 12 credits can only take one course or 3 credits as a distance learning course. A graduate student who is registered for 7 credits can take only one course or 3 credits as a distance learning course.

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Reduced Course Load

F-1 students must be enrolled full-time each semester unless they are approved in advance and in writing by an MU DSO for a Reduced Course Load (RCL). Full-tme means at least 12 credits for undergraduates and 7 credits for graduate students. (Note: graduates may count continuation courses towards this total.) Students who become part-time before receiving an RCL, either by dropping a class themselves or by being dropped by a professor, will have their SEVIS record terminated and lose their F-1 status.

RCLs are only availble in the circumstances described below: 

To request a reduced course load, please complete the form below and bring it, along with any required documentation to OIE. Students requesting a reduced course load, other than students requesting an RCL for their last semester, are strongly encouraged to meet with OIE to discuss their situation before submitting and RCL request. 

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A student who violates (or loses) their F-1 status can apply to USCIS for reinstatement to F-1 status. Students who have violated F-1 status should meet with an OIE advisor as soon as possible after the violation occurs to discuss their individual situation so they can decide the best course of action.

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Shorten Program

If you will complete all academic program requirements before the SEVIS program end date listed on your I-20 Form, you must use OIE's Shorten Program Form below to request a new SEVIS program end date which will be the end date of the semester in which you will complete your last academic requirement (including thesis defense or revision).  This date, as well as your remaining academic requirements and their dates, must be correctly listed on the Shorten Program Form.  

The new SEVIS program end date will be in May for completion in Spring semester, December for completion in Fall, and August for completion in the Summer. Also remember that if your new program end date is in August you must enroll full-time for that last semester (this can be an appropriate continuation course for graduate students) or request authorization for a reduced course load from OIE before the start of that Summer.

If will be stopping out a PhD program early and earning a master's degree as part of shortening your program, note that you must be officially admitted to the master's program by the admission deadline of your final semester and OIE must receive an I-20 Request Form from the Graduate School confirming this admission in addition to your OIE Shorten Program Form

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Social Security and Individual Tax ID Numbers

Social Security numbers are necessary for students who will be employed in the United States. It is a registration number issued by a government agency (called the Social Security Administration) and it is used for tax purposes. Students without employment cannot apply for an SSN but can apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) if necessary for grant, fellowship, or scholarship funding.

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State ID Card & Driving in Wisconsin

Some students and scholars may be eligible to obtain a driver's license in Wisconsin. Students and Scholars who are not eligible for a Wisconsin driver's license can obtain a WI ID card to use as proof of age or identity.

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Transfer Out to Another U.S. University


Current MU students who are maintaining F-1 status - and who meet the conditions, procedures, and deadlines below - can work OIE to transfer their SEVIS record to another school by settng a "transfer release date" in SEVIS. Transfer release dates are typically shortly after the last day of Marquette studies or authorized post-completion OPT and before the start of the new program. If the transfer release date is during the semester, the student must continue to attend classes and maintain status at Marquette until the transfer release date. If the transfer release date is before the end of an authorized period of post-completion OPT, the OPT authorization ends on the transfer release date. 

Conditions for SEVIS Transfers:

Procedures for SEVIS Transfers:

Deadlines for SEVIS Transfers:

Transfer requests and all related documenation may be submitted to OIE any time during the final semester at MU and no later than three weeks before the earliest of the following dates: the requested transfer release date or the end of a student's 60 day post-completion "grace period." Transfer requests submitted after this deadline will be processed if time permits. In all cases, transfer requests must be entered in SEVIS no later than 60 days after completion of the course of study or authorized post-completion OPT. 

Students who do not meet these requirements and wish to begin studies at another DHS-approved U.S. school will need to exit the U.S. and reenter with an "initial attendance" I-20 from that school.  


New students who want to transfer to another DHS-approved school before starting their MU studies and who have who have entered the U.S. using their "initial attendance" I-20 from Marquette have two options for transferring their SEVIS record depending on the start date of their program at the transfer-in school.

Option 1: Students with an acceptance from another SEVP-certified school for a program that starts no more than 30 days from their initial admission to the U.S.

These students may request that OIE transfer their SEVIS record to the new school by taking the following steps:

  1. Report to OIE by providing a copy of your most recent I-94 via email or in person and your U.S. address. Reporting should be completed by the program start date on the MU I-20
  2. Submit OIE’s “transfer out” form with a letter of acceptance from the new school

Option 2:  Students with an acceptance letter from another SEVP-certified school for a program that starts more than 30 days from their initial admission to the U.S.

These student’s have two choices:

  1. Report to OIE (by providing a copy of your most recent I-94 via email or in person and your U.S. address) by the program start date on the MU I-20, enroll for a full course of study at Marquette, and attend classes at Marquette until the SEVIS transfer release date based upon submission of OIE’s “Transfer Out” Form and a letter of acceptance from the new school
  2. Withdrawal from Marquette, notify OIE of their withdrawal, leave the U.S. within 15 days of the withdrawal, and reenter the U.S. with an “initial attendance” I-20 from the new school after paying a new I-901 fee.

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Transcript Request

Students, alumni and former students needing an official Marquette transcript (or proof of program completion) should visit this website. The Office of International Education does not issue transcripts or proof of program completion.

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Travel Documents: Outside & Inside the U.S.

Travel Outside the U.S.

F-1 students planning to return to the United States after a brief absence to continue their studies or authorized post-completion OPT/STEM OPT should complete the form below to obtain a travel signature from a Marquette DSO on page 2 of their I-20 prior to departing the U.S. Travel signatures are valid for 12-months (6-months if you are have authorized post-completion OPT/STEM OPT) if you have otherwise maintained F-1 status. 

Completed forms, along with with the student's current Form I-20 and passport, should be submitted to OIE one to two weeks before departing the U.S. An appointment is not needed.

In addition to a properly signed I-20, F-1 students will need the following documents to reenter:

Students with pending OPT or STEM OPT applications often face additional issues upon reentry and should carefully read the travel information in the OPT/STEM OPT section of this website before departing the U.S.

F-2 dependents must follow/need the same procedures and documents described above and may travel with our without the F-1 visa holder.  

Note for Students Visiting or Transiting Through a Country Other Than Their Home Country: 

Be sure to research in advance of travel the visa requirements of any country you will visit or transit through and to make all necessary arrangements to meet any visa requirements that will apply to you.


Travel Inside the U.S.

In general, no special permission is required for F-1 students travelling within the U.S. including to Alaska, Hawaii, or any U.S. territory. 

A passport or Wisconsin state photo ID should generally be sufficient as identification for most travel inside the U.S., but OIE strongly recommends that you and any accompanying family member also take with the additional items listed below if travelling outside of Wisconsin and especially if travelling by air, by bus, or by train or anywhere within 100 miles of the U.S. border:


Visa Renewal

Travel to Canada, Mexico, or Adjacent Islands Without a Valid F-1 Visa

Resources for Travel


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