How Do I Understand Registration and Transcript Holds?
Understanding Registration Holds
You are responsible for taking the steps necessary to ensure that all holds on your registration have been cleared before attempting to enroll in classes. CheckMarq will prevent you from registering if you have an active hold on your record.
Checking for holds
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Step 1: Log in to CheckMarq and find the Tasks tile.
If you have any holds on your account, you will see the number of holds displayed on the Tasks tile.
Follow this link for details on how to navigate in the CheckMarq Student Home (formerly known as Student Center).

Click or tap the Tasks tile and then click or tap Holds in the left navigation menu. A list of holds will display to the right, along with the department who placed the hold.

Step 3: View holds details
Click or tap a hold to view details about it, along with instructions on how to resolve it.

The four most common types of holds that may prevent registration are:
Administrative including Registrar and Marquette Medical Clinic.
- Example: Registrar Hold/Registr & Trans
Your official final high school or college transcript is required to complete your university credential file. Contact your high school or college and request a final transcript be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar.
- Example: MU Medical Clinic/Immunization Incomplete
A medical hold has been placed on your account for failing to comply with the University's immunization Requirements. Contact the Marquette Medical Clinic.
- Example: College Registration Hold.
Academic Advising needed, contact your college office.
Student Affairs
- Example: Mandatory Training Compliance Hold.
Contact the Division of Student Affairs for instructions or with questions on how to remove a hold.
Alumni or former students
Most holds on alumni transcripts are placed by the Office of Student Loan Accounts and Collections. If you think you might have a transcript hold, contact Student Loan Accounts.