How Do I Make Changes to My Academic Record?

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Change or declare a major or minor

Use the Change or Declare a Major/Minor Form in CheckMarq to change or declare a major or minor.

Change my anticipated graduation date

Contact your college/school office to change your anticipated graduation date.

Request a change in adviser

Contact your college/school office to request a change in adviser.

Change my academic status (e.g. degree, non-degree)

Undergraduate students who wish to change from non-degree to degree seeking, apply through Undergraduate Admissions.

Undergraduate students must complete either the Undergraduate Status Change form or the Undergraduate Readmission form. The form must be submitted no later than one week prior to the start of the session for which you are requesting the status change.

Law, Dental or Health Science Professional students must complete the Application for Readmission or Status Change (RS) form. The form must be submitted no later than one week prior to the start of the term for which you are requesting the status change.

The form will be forwarded to your college/school for review. A letter informing you of the admission decision will be sent to you by the Office of the Registrar.

Graduate students must contact the Graduate School to perform a status change.

Graduate School of Management students must contact the GSM to perform a status change.

Change undergraduate colleges within Marquette

Current undergraduate students should complete the Undergraduate Internal Transfer form in CheckMarq.  For more information about navigating forms within CheckMarq, see Using CheckMarq Forms.

The form will be forwarded to your intended college for review. A letter informing you of the college's admission decision will be sent to you by the Office of the Registrar within two weeks.

Please review the internal transfer policies and procedures by college below.

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College of Arts & Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Communication

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Health Sciences

College of Nursing