How Do I Make Changes to My Academic Record?
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Change or declare a major or minor
Use the Change or Declare a Major/Minor Form in CheckMarq to change or declare a major or minor.
Change my anticipated graduation date
Contact your college/school office to change your anticipated graduation date.
Request a change in adviser
Contact your college/school office to request a change in adviser.
Change my academic status (e.g. degree, non-degree)
Undergraduate students who wish to change from non-degree to degree seeking, apply through Undergraduate Admissions.
Undergraduate students must complete either the Undergraduate Status Change form or the Undergraduate Readmission form. The form must be submitted no later than one week prior to the start of the session for which you are requesting the status change.
Law, Dental or Health Science Professional students must complete the Application for Readmission or Status Change (RS) form. The form must be submitted no later than one week prior to the start of the term for which you are requesting the status change.
The form will be forwarded to your college/school for review. A letter informing you of the admission decision will be sent to you by the Office of the Registrar.
Graduate students must contact the Graduate School to perform a status change.
Graduate School of Management students must contact the GSM to perform a status change.
Change undergraduate colleges within Marquette
Current undergraduate students should complete the Undergraduate Internal Transfer form in CheckMarq. For more information about navigating forms within CheckMarq, see Using CheckMarq Forms.
The form will be forwarded to your intended college for review. A letter informing you of the college's admission decision will be sent to you by the Office of the Registrar within two weeks.
Please review the internal transfer policies and procedures by college below.
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College of Arts & Sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences reviews applications for internal transfer on a rolling basis. You can expect to receive a decision within 1-2 weeks. On occasions where decisions are deferred until the posting of final grades, the student will be notified. In reaching a decision, the College is looking for demonstrated success (grades of C or better at minimum) in coursework related to the student’s intended A&S major (i.e., Humanities courses for English majors, Social Science courses for Political Science majors, STEM courses for Computer Science majors, etc.) If this is not the case, we may seek additional information from the student before making a final decision.
Please direct any questions to Megan Blanchette (
College of Business Administration
The College of Business Administration reviews internal transfer applications twice a year: in December for Spring semester admissions (deadline: December 1) and in May for Fall semester admissions (deadline: May 1). After the application deadline, we will contact you with further instructions regarding any next steps. Due to the competitive nature of the program, only a limited number of transfer students can be accepted each semester. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Review process:
- The college will review quantitative coursework completed at Marquette University. Due to the sequencing of business core requirements, the following courses are important to this review (this does not mean that ALL have to be in progress or completed when applying) with a grade of B- or above:
- Ideally a student will be enrolled in or have already completed: MATH 1400 Elements of Calculus or MATH 1450 Calculus I. If not, a student should be in-progress or have completed MATH 1200 Pre-Calculus (if not able to enroll in MATH 1400/MATH 1450 due to ALEKS Math Placement exam results)
- ACCO 1030 Financial Accounting (and ACCO 1031 Managerial Accounting, if applicable)
- ECON 1103 Microeconomics (and ECON 1104 Macroeconomics, if applicable)
- Other courses may be included in the review process, and the college will consider all courses completed at Marquette University. Regularly, the college will review high school records and ACT/SAT math scores, if submitted. Regarding high school coursework, the college would prefer to see four years of Mathematics, including Calculus or Pre-Calculus.
- A cumulative GPA of 3.000 is desirable and matches external transfer requirements.
- If a student is an external transfer student or has other college-level quantitative coursework, courses at a previous institution will also be considered.
- Students may be asked to submit a statement of interest or answers to specific questions.
Please direct any additional questions to Sara Koenig (
The College of Communication reviews applications for internal transfer on a rolling basis; after submitting your form, you can expect to hear back within a few weeks. Our College does not review applications based on specific criteria, but we review your degree progress and overall academic performance.
If you are building your upcoming course schedule, please enroll in courses that are open to all Marquette students and are requirements in the College of Communication:
- Core Curriculum (courses required for all COMM students): COMM 1000, COMM 1100, COMM 1200, COMM 2500
- Foundational Courses: ADVE 1400, CCOM 2000, PURE 1800, JOUR 1001, CMST 2000/2010, THAR 1100/1900/2020
- Avoid sections restricted to COMM students; a permission number will not be given.
Continue meeting with your current academic advisor until your internal transfer application is processed and complete. You will be connected to your new advisor upon acceptance – an introductory email will be sent to your MU email address.
Please direct any questions to our team at; due to the volume of inquiries that are received, there is limited availability for meetings.
To pursue a major in either Elementary or Secondary, students usually need a minimum of 6 semesters to complete everything. Educational Studies majors have a little more flexibility with scheduling—the major is not as sequential.
Please direct any questions to Tina McNamara (
Students interested in transferring into the College of Engineering need a minimum grade point average of 2.750 in previous college work as well as grades of B- or higher in MATH 1450 Calculus 1 and PHYS 1003 General Physics with Introductory Calculus 1 or equivalent courses. An applicant's entire academic performance is evaluated in making an admission decision.
Please direct any questions to Dr. Mark Federle (
College of Health Sciences
Information regarding requirements and person to contact vary by major (see below). The academic performance information provided is a guideline; we also look at whether a student’s grades are trending upward, the rigor of the courses taken (i.e. engineering students in physics and calculus), etc. If a student is unsure of which major they are interested in within CHS, they should contact Michelle Schuh (
Exercise Physiology – Looking for a minimum 3.0 and B or better in the sciences (BIOL 1001/1002; CHEM 1001/1002). Also looking at PSYC 1001 and statistics grades. Multiple science/math/PSYC 1001 in the same term is recommended. Contact Yolanda Webb ( with questions.
Biomedical Sciences – Looking for a minimum 3.0 GPA and B or better in the sciences (BIOL 1001/1002; CHEM 1001/1002). Also looking at PSYC 1001 and statistics grades. Multiple science/math/PSYC 1001 in the same term is recommended. Contact Autumn Swanson ( with questions.
Speech Pathology and Audiology – Looking for approximately a 3.0 GPA with B or better in the science, PSYC, and statistic cognates for the major. Non-SPPA students can enroll in SPPA 1001 (offered each fall term), pending space availability after size of freshman cohort is known. Contact Dr. Emily Patterson ( with questions.
Medical Laboratory Science – Looking for a C or higher in the sciences; taking more than one science in a term recommended. Contact Dr. Valerie Everard-Gigot ( with questions.
The College of Nursing reviews internal transfer applications twice a year: in December for Spring semester admissions (deadline: December 1) and in May for Fall semester admissions (deadline: May 1). After the application deadline, we will contact you with further instructions regarding next steps. Due to the competitive nature of the program, only a limited number of transfer students can be accepted each semester. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Transfer Criteria
- Academic Success: The College is looking for demonstrated success in science courses (a grade of C or better) and overall academic performance. Given the competitive nature of the transfer process, grades of B or better are strongly encouraged.
- Cumulative GPA: A GPA of 3.0 or higher is desirable and aligns with the expectations for external transfers.
Additional Requirements
- Essay & Interview: Students who meet the above qualifications will be asked to submit an essay and participate in an interview. This allows us to review applications holistically.
- Decision Timeline: You can expect to receive a decision after final grades are posted for the semester in which you applied.
Required Science Courses & Timeline to Graduation
Before beginning sophomore-level nursing courses, you must complete the following science courses:
- HEAL 1060 Survey of Biochemistry
- BISC 2015 & 2016 Anatomy & Physiology 1 and 2
If you have not completed these courses, you may take equivalent courses over the summer at an accredited institution or during the academic year, though this may delay your graduation. For more detailed information, contact Julie Radford (, who can review your course history and provide additional guidance.