How Do I Complete Checklists Assigned in CheckMarq?

Students are periodically assigned Checklists to complete in CheckMarq. Checklists can be found in the Tasks tile in CheckMarq. Typically, students also receive an email when a new Checklist is assigned.

See also Checking your To Do List in CheckMarq (Financial Aid).


How do I access Checklists assigned to me?

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Step 1: Log in to CheckMarq and click or tap the Tasks tile

Step 2: To Do List > [Checklist Name]

Step 3:  Follow the Guided Steps

Step 4:  Submit


A few common Checklists you might encounter:

Preregistration Cheq

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What is it?

When is it assigned?

Who is it for?


Contact Cheq

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What is it?

When is it assigned?

Who is it for?


Medical Services Interest Form

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What is it?

When is it assigned?

Who is it for?