FERPA - Procedure to Inspect Education Records

Students may inspect and review their education records upon request to the office of the appropriate record custodian, hereafter referred to as record custodian. 

Academic records/education records

The following is a list of the types of records that the university maintains, their locations and their custodians.

Types of Records Location  Custodian
Academic Records/Advising Records (progress, advising, evaluations)

Office of the Dean of each Undergraduate College

Office of the Dean of Graduate/Professional School

Office of the Registrar

Department Office

Program Offices (EOP, FFP, Honors, etc.)

Dean of the College

Dean of the School

University Registrar

Chairperson of the department

Director of the Program

Admissions File Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Office of Admissions of each Graduate/Professional School

Office of the Registrar
Dean of Undergraduate Admissions

Director of Admissions of the School

University Registrar
Career Center Records Career Center Director of the Center
Conduct/Disciplinary Records Office of Student Development Associate Dean of Students
Counseling and Testing Records

Note:  the confidentiality of counseling records is maintained in accordance with applicable state and federal law defining the circumstances under which information may be released.
Counseling Center Director of the Center
Cumulative Academic Records (grades, transcripts, etc.) Office of the Registrar University Registrar
Disabled Student Services Office of Disability Services Director of Disability Services
Enrollment Records Office of the Dean Graduate/Professional School/Undergraduate College

Office of the Registrar
Dean of the School/College

University Registrar
Financial Records Office of the Bursar Bursar
Financial Aid Records Office of Student Financial Aid

Office of the Dean Graduate/Professional School
Director of Student Financial Aid

Dean of the School

Health Records

Note:  the confidentiality of medical records is maintained in accordance with applicable state and federal law defining the circumstances under which information may be released.
Marquette University Medical Clinic Director of the Marquette University Medical Clinic
Intercollegiate Athletics Department of Intercollegiate Athletics  Athletics Director
International Student Records Office of International Education

Office of the Dean, of each Graduate School/Professional School

Office of the Registrar

Dean of the School

University Registrar
Miscellaneous Records (student education records not included in the above list) The appropriate university official/employee will locate and collect such records. The university official/employee who maintains such records