A student education record is defined as any record maintained by the University in any medium (e.g., electronic, microfilm, paper) or an agent of the university that is directly related to a student. Examples of student education records include, but are not limited to admission applications; bio/demographic data; class enrollment and schedules; credits attempted, earned and transferred; grades; grade point averages; test scores; degrees; majors and minors; transcripts; academic standing; honors and awards; involvement in activities; misconduct; and withdrawals.
Marquette University adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act which protects student records, as well as Marquette University Policy and Procedures 1-28: Information Sensitivity.Student education records fall under the category of Marquette University Confidential in this policy.
Marquette University Confidential includes information that may not be disclosed publicly as a matter of law or that has value to Marquette University because it is not publicly available and is only shared internally or with selected third parties under a confidentiality obligation. It includes information in any format and information acquired from third parties with a promise from Marquette University that it will not be further disclosed. It is a continuum, in that it is understood that some Marquette University Confidential information is more sensitive than others and therefore must be protected in a more secure manner.
Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, Marquette University has designated specific personally identifiable items as directory information.
This means the university may release directory information items without authorization from the student, unless the student has blocked the release of such information. It should be noted, however, Marquette University does not routinely release such information. The Office of the Registrar is to be consulted prior to the release of any information relating to students.
Any information not listed in the aforementioned items may not be released without authorization from the student, unless required by law, or requested by an individual with a legitimate educational interest.