Guidance on Last Date of Attendance

On this page:

Determining Last Date of Attendance

Timely Withdrawal of Students for Non-Attendance

Determining Last Date of Attendance

Instructors with grading authority are required to enter a last date of attendance for any students who fail, receive an Incomplete grade, or are administratively withdrawn for non-attendance or other reasons.  This guidance is intended to assist instructors in determining the last date of attendance based on federal regulations and best practices.

  1. University policy does not require attendance to be taken, although instructors are encouraged to monitor their class rosters in CheckMarq, especially early in the semester, to confirm registered students are substantively engaging in the class through attendance and/or participation.
  2. Class rosters can change as students alter their schedules through the Add/Drop deadline noted in the academic calendar. Only students who appear on the class roster in CheckMarq are allowed to attend or participate in a class.  Instructors should not allow unregistered students to attend or participate in class.  Unregistered students will not be given access to course sites in D2L or other learning management platforms.
  3. Instructors who choose to take attendance during the term should retain the attendance records and use them in determining the last date of attendance.
  4. Instructors who choose not to take attendance or teach asynchronous online classes should use the best information available to determine a student’s last date of attendance in a class.  The Department of Education has provided the following list of examples of student activities which can be used to determine the last date of attendance or participation (also known as “Academic Engagement”): 

Please Note: A student logging in to an online class, tutorial, or learning-management system (such as D2L) without any further participation is not sufficient to determine a student’s last date of attendance. 

Timely Withdrawal of Students for Non-Attendance

Students who never attend or stop attending should be withdrawn as soon as possible. In online classes, attendance is determined by class participation. In addition to being required by federal regulations, timely notice of non-attendance reduces the likelihood that students will receive a failing grade that can negatively impact their GPA.