Wisconsin Women in Government Undergraduate Scholarship

The Wisconsin Women in Government Scholarship is administered by the Wisconsin Association of Independent College and Universities (WAICU). The intent of the scholarship is to provide financial support for women who wish to pursue careers in public service, public administration, or government affairs. The scholarship is open to current college or university students who likely would have difficulty continuing their education without financial assistance. The purpose of the program is to make post-secondary education more accessible to individuals who identify as female by relieving some of the financial burden.

Eligible candidates must:

Submit a consent to release form. Please fill in “WAICU - WWIG Scholarship Committee”– under the organization name.

Please note students receiving tuition remission or full-tuition scholarships are not eligible for this award.

*Marquette’s Office of Student Financial Aid will complete a financial aid letter of eligibility once all application materials are received.

Submit all WWIG application materials under one single PDF to the link below.

Please fill out the application found here and submit it here.

All materials must be submitted no later than Friday, July 12, 2024. 

For questions about this scholarship or application form, please email finn.askin@marquette.edu.