Viewing your Financial Aid Notification (FAN)

Financial Aid Notifications (FANs) are sent electronically to all students. Students who complete the financial aid application process will receive notification via their eMarq e-mail account when the FAN can be accessed online.

To view your financial aid offer, log in to CheckMarq and follow these easy steps:

  1. Click or tap the Financial Aid tile.

  2. Set the year at the top of the screen.

  3. Under the Accept/Decline aid on the menu select Offer Notification.

  4. Click or tap View Offer Notification. The FAN will open in a new screen.

Students can print a copy of their FAN to retain for their records.

Students can also use CheckMarq to accept or decline aid on-line by selecting Accept/Decline Aid under the Accept/Decline aid menu. To reduce the amount of an offer, students should visit or contact Marquette Central to discuss the changes to be made.