QuaranTeams Extravaganza

Sunday, April 26, 2020

This new online retreat offering is a fun, light-hearted opportunity to connect with others through games, activities, laughter, and conversation. Some of the retreat will take place through Zoom, other portions will work through team group chats and individual activities.

If you:

Then the QuaranTeams Extravaganza will be a good use of your day. Our hope is a day of laughter, rejuvenation, and opportunity to create goals and intentions going forward.


Open to:

All students, both undergraduate and graduate, of the Marquette Community.



Online! We will meet via Zoom meeting and alternate time together with non-screen activities and reflections. All registered participants will receive the meeting link and password.



The retreat will begin at 10:30am Central Daylight Time and conclude at 4:30pm CDT. We ask that you commit to attending the entirety of the retreat.






The QuaranTeams Extravaganza is now open for registration. Registration will close on Wednesday, April 22, or when the retreat is full.


For any questions or for further information, please contact:

Sara Knutson
Campus Ministry, AMU 236
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
(414) 288-3689