Synod on Synodality

Marquette is participating in the worldwide Synod on Synodality, being led by Pope Francis. A synod is a process of engaged listening dedicated to better knowing the joys, hopes, griefs, and anxieties of the human family and discerning how the Spirit of God is calling the Church to give witness to the Gospel while accompanying persons towards a hope filled future.

During the 2022 spring semester, Marquette hosted a number of listening sessions during which students shared with peers and others in the Church what is important to them in life, expressed their experiences of Church, and identified their hopes for the future. These conversations were shared with Pope Francis and other Church leaders. All of the reflections gathered from listening sessions held around the world are part of the synodal process of discernment guiding the Catholic Church.

Below are links to a variety of synthesis documents reflecting feedback gathered on campus, locally throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, nationally, and worldwide.

    1. Marquette University Synod on Synodality Executive Summary
    2. Archdiocese of Milwaukee Synod on Synodality Synthesis
    3. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops National Synthesis
    4. Vatican's General Secretariat for the Synod Working Document for the Continental Phase: "Enlarge the Size of Your Tent"
    5. Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops: First Session Synthesis Report

The next phase of the Synod is continuing the process of having conversations in the Spirit, particularly focused on sharing and exploring the First Session Synthesis Report. Feedback will be welcomed from throughout the world in time for a follow up summit in Rome in October 2024. During this summit, delegates will continue the communal discernment process - listening to the movements of the Holy Spirit echoing through the experiences of communities from around the world.

 Synod on Synodality

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