Music Ministry

Students provide the majority of music ministry on campus as both singers and instrumentalists. Student music ministers serve at Sunday and weeknight Masses, special liturgies and prayer services on holy days, and more. No matter what training or experience level students are at, all are invited to share their musical gifts to enrich our community worship!

Specific groups or ensembles within music ministry include:

Want to join Liturgical Choir this semester? The deadline for auditions is January 21. 

Audition Here

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Liturgical Choir?

What is Gospel Choir?

What are Cantors?

What will I be asked to do during an audition/placement inverview?

I've never sung in a Choir before. Is this a problem?

What if I am not Catholic?


Student Leadership in Music Ministry

There are many different opportunities for leadership through music ministry, some involving more direct musical leadership, and others involving more gifts of administration and service. Although many positions are volunteer (Choir Council, Music Ministry team, student music teams), some of them are paid (Student Assistants, Choir Accompanist). Any student interested in any of these avenues of leadership should contact Andrew Mountin, Director of Music in Campus Ministry, at (414) 288-3695 or via email.

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Liturgical Choir Council

Music Ministry Team

Student Music Teams

Student Assistants

Choir Accompanist