Mission Statement

The goal of our life is to live with God forever. God, who loves us, gave us life. Our own response of love allows God’s life to flow into us without limit.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, as paraphrased by David L. Fleming, S.J.

Rooted in Catholic tradition and Inspired by the life and charism of St. Ignatius of Loyola, we work together to meet the diverse spiritual needs and interests of Marquette University’s student community.

With partners of goodwill across campus, in Milwaukee and across the world, we engage students through worship, retreats, works of justice, anti-racism initiatives, reflection, interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural immersion. Through these programs and the ministry of presence and pastoral care, Campus Ministry provides witness to the love of Jesus Christ.


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Vision Statement

Campus Ministry aspires to be a means of encounter for students to know and be transformed by God's love, both individually and as part of a community

Formed by Ignatian Spirituality and values, graduates will be prepared to offer themselves in service to God and the world, living a faith that does justice, as they contribute to the formation of more just and equitable societies.

Ignatian Spirituality

“Ignatian” refers to St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. It is this spirituality that permeates the programs and activities of Campus Ministry. To learn more about Ignatian Spirituality, visit the following links:

Anti-Racism Statement

Recognizing existing injustices against human dignity, especially systematic racism, born of white privilege and supremacy, Marquette University Campus Ministry desires to promote justice and equity for all persons. Specifically, we pledge ourselves to continued education on anti-racism, the pursuit and practice of racial justice, and confronting the sin of white supremacy/racism in ourselves and in community. We stand with Pope Francis as he denounces racism and says, “We cannot close our eyes to any form of racism or exclusion, while pretending to defend the sacredness of every human life.”  

Lamenting the times in which Marquette University Campus Ministry has been complicit in white supremacy/racism or failed to confront racial injustice, we are remorseful. We pledge to contribute to building a campus community honoring the gift of every human person.  

“...We have work ahead of us. We must help each other to repair this lack in us, and above all make sure that in the future, education imparted in Jesuit schools will be equal to the demands of justice in the world.” 

 Former Superior General, Pedro Arrupe, S.J.

View "Eyes to See," Association of Jesuit Colleges & Universities Anti-Racism Examen