Nursing Education Research
College of Nursing faculty are on the cutting edge of pedagogical research. Our findings on effective teaching methods ensure the nurses of tomorrow are better prepared to meet a wide range of health care challenges. Marquette Nurses are called to be critical, engaged thinkers and courageous leaders: both qualities that the college's nursing pedagogy research instills in the next generation.
Social Connections Between Older Adults and Communities - Stacy Barnes, PhD, Associate Professor of Practice
Development of Knowledge and Interventions to Decrease Child Challenging Behaviors and Improve the Health of Persons with Developmental Disabilities - Norah Louise Johnson, PhD, RN, CPNP-PC, FAAN
Student Learning and Debriefing Using Simulation Pedagogy - Aimee Woda PhD RN-BC Associate Professor
Developing and Testing Innovations that Expand and Improve Nursing Education - Amber Young-Brice, PhD, RN, CNE
Developing, Using and Testing Innovative Teaching Methods to Improve Pre-licensure and Graduate Students’ Clinical Reasoning Skills to be Ready for Practice - Kristina Thomas Dreifuerst PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN Professor
Safety in Critically Ill and Complex Medically Fragile Children - Christine Schindler, PhD, RN, CPNP-AC/PC; Clinical Professor
Multisite Effectiveness Study of the Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning Program - Qiyan Mu, PhD, RN, Research Associate
Preventing Obesity Using a Tailored Online Intervention and Testing Prebiotics - Marilyn Frenn Ph.D., R.N., CNE, ANEF, FTOS, FAAN Professor & Interim Associate Dean for Research