Institutes, Centers and Initiatives

The purpose of the Institute for Palliative and End-of-Life Care Education is to improve the quality of care for dying persons and their families. Persons who are terminally ill have multiple needs involving physical, spiritual, psychosocial, family and economic domains. The Institute for End of Life Care Education addresses these needs through three avenues: professional education, community education and research.
The Marquette University College of Nursing's Institute for Natural Family Planning was established in 1997 for the purpose of providing professional education, research and service in natural family planning. Reflecting the mission of Marquette, the mission of the INFP is to serve God by contributing to the advancement of knowledge in NFP and by collaboration with the Catholic Church in local, state and national NFP programs.
The Ascension Center for Clinical Simulation and Learning provides a realistic health care environment where our students can strengthen essential clinical competencies, develop sound clinical reasoning and prepare for high-risk situations.
Project BEYOND-2 seeks to encourage students from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue a rewarding career in professional nursing. As a nursing student, you will join a community of support at the Marquette University College of Nursing. Faculty, advisers and community leaders will assist you in achieving academic success.
The Office of Nursing Research and Scholarship provides support services for faculty and students engaged in research activities. Interim Associate Dean for Research Marilyn Frenn, PhD, RN, employs research assistants and an administrative assistant. A variety of software applications is available in the office for both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Other services include assistance with locating funding sources, proposal development, proposal critique and proposal submission. In addition, assistance with data management and support for ongoing research activities are available.
The Marquette University College of Nursing is committed to ensuring the health of the people of Wisconsin through the provision of an adequate and competent nurse workforce. Because of an aging nursing workforce and the increased demand for nursing care for an aging population, there is a projected 13 percent nursing shortage in Wisconsin in the next 15 years. The Wisconsin Center for Nursing was created to alleviate this potential public health crisis in Wisconsin. The center is the culmination of years of collaboration among Wisconsin nursing leaders in practice, education and policy through the Wisconsin Nursing Redesign Consortium. Faculty and administration at the MUCN were actively involved in the consortium and continue their leadership in the center.

The WGEC is a formal consortium of academic and healthcare systems, working together to improve health outcomes for older adults by developing a healthcare workforce that is competent in geriatrics and gerontology. Since 1986, the WGEC has been led by Marquette University. Other partners include the University of Wiconsin - Madison, the Medical College of Wisconsin, Aurora Health Care, and the Alzheimer's Association. Over the years, the WGEC consortium has forged partnerships between academia, primary care providers, and community-based organizations to improve quality of care. It has trained more than 100,000 healthcare providers to assess and address the needs of older adults.