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Straz Hall, 520Q
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-3709stacy.barnes@marquette.eduPh.D., Marquette University
HEAL 1025: Culture and Health
HEAL 4901-HEAL 5901: Interdisciplinary Palliative Care
Dr. Barnes is a social gerontologist whose research focuses on the social connections between older adults and the community in which they live. She is especially interested in older adults’ connections to family members, informal (unpaid) caregivers, and healthcare providers.
American Evaluation Association (AEA)
American Geriatrics Society (AGS)
Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
Milwaukee Waukesha Aging Consortium
National Association of Geriatric Education Centers (NAGEC)
National Association for Geriatric Education (NAGE)
Social Gerontology
TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
Fellowship in Primary Health Care Policy, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Link to Marquette University E-Publications - Barnes
2020 – 2022, Director of Geriatrics Curriculum. “Nursing Workforce Diversity – Eldercare Enhancement” awarded by the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (D19HP39728).
2020 – 2022, PI. “Age-Friendly Health Systems in Wisconsin” awarded by Bader Philanthropies.
2019 – 2021, PI. “Wisconsin Geriatric Education Consortium” awarded by Bader Philanthropies.
2015 – 2020, PI (Co-PI: Barczi, S.; Duthie, E.; Grams, D.; Malone, M.). “Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program” awarded by the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (U1QHP28712).
2018 – 2019, PI (Co-I: Bekhert, A.; Gretebeck, K.; Keller, A.; & Schroeder, P.). “Community Engaged Research Partnership Development” awarded by Marquette University.
2017 – 2018, Co-I (PI: Emery-Tiburcio, E). “GWEP Network Meeting: Electronic Health Record Engagement” awarded by the American Geriatrics Society’s Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program Coordinating Center.
2010 – 2015, PI (Co-PI: Barczi, S.; Duthie, E.; Grams, D.; Malone, M.). “Wisconsin Geriatric Education Center” awarded by the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (UB4HP19062).
[REVISE current listing to read as follows, edit is highlighted]