Get Involved. Grow in Community, Service, & Faith.

Campus Ministry offers many opportunities to build connections with others and live out a faith that does justice. Now is a perfect time to check out what we have to offer, sign up, and live deeply into the Marquette experience.

Audition for Liturgical Choir
Auditions are taking place at the beginning of September (date tbd). Find out what an audition entails or sign-up now for an audition.

Join the Taize Prayer Choir or Gospel Choir

Become a Liturgical Minister
Serve the Lord and your campus community as a Sacristan, Lector, Acolyte, Eucharistic Minister, or Hospitality Minister. Students are needed at all of our campus liturgies: Gesu (Sunday 6pm), Chapel of the Holy Family (Sunday 9pm), and St. Joan of Arc Chapel (Sunday 4:30pm - Spanish Mass, & Tue/Thurs 10pm), and special liturgies throughout the year.

Ignatian Leadership Retreat
First-year and transfer students of all faith backgrounds, who share a desire to put their faith and leadership potential into action in their new Marquette environment, are invited to the Ignatian Leadership Retreat (ILR) happening from August 30 - September 1, 2024. Build community, have fun, make friends, and ask big questions about your journey at Marquette.

Wednesdays. 7-8 p.m.
Join us for a Bistro Night (includes free dinner for MU students) in the Lunda Room (2nd Floor of the AMU). Ignite is an inspiring experience of college community and Catholic faith featuring fellowship, speakers, & prayer. Everyone is welcome! No RSVP needed.

Midnight Run
Join a team of students who serve in area meal programs, pantries, and shelters with neighbors across Milwaukee. Midnight Run is 35 years strong! Sign-ups will be held (date tbd) in the second floor Rotunda of the AMU.

Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration
Interested in spending time in prayer and contemplation before the Blessed Sacrament?  Volunteer for a half hour spot on Tuesdays between 6-9:45 p.m. or Wednesdays between 1-3:45 p.m. in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel to help make Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration available for the campus community. Contact Fr. Nathaniel Romano, to receive sign-up information.

Receive the Sacraments
Students interested in receiving the Catholic sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or 1st Eucharist or in discerning entrance into the Catholic Church are encouraged to contact Steve Blaha. Formation gatherings begin (date tbd). 

Camino Small Groups
Join a weekly small group with other Marquette students focused on faith, community, and service, animated by Ignatian/Jesuit spirituality. Sign-ups begin in August. Groups begin meeting the week of September 16. 

  • Spiritual Q-munity
    A safe space for LGBTQ+ students to explore spirituality, identity, intersectionality, and healing to live more deeply and intentionally Ignatian values and spirituality.

    Soup with Substance
    Take part in this longstanding tradition every Wednesday at noon in the Alumni Memorial Union. Soup features a simple meal of soup and bread along with a presentation and conversation on an issue related to social justice.