M.A.P. – El Paso

Each spring break, Campus Ministry sponsors a M.A.P. Trip to El Paso to raise consciousness about the issues facing the border such as immigration, economic development, human rights and social justice. More than being an informational tour, it seeks to immerse the participants in the border culture and the realities of the many people and groups that live and work there. The food that we will eat and the conditions which we will live in are as much a part of the experience as the people and agencies.

The experience will be at The Annunciation House, a house of hospitality for migrants, in El Paso, Texas. Participants are expected to participate in three preparatory meetings and all the experiences of the trip. We will be living simply and in close quarters.

  • Applications for El Paso 2025 will open later in the semester. 
  • Dates tbd: M.A.P. – El Paso, Texas.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining, email Bernardo Borunda.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Who can participate?

This program is open to Marquette University students. Applications are available in the Fall. Participants will be selected from the applicant pool.

How will we travel?

The group will be traveling by van from Milwaukee to El Paso, Texas.

Where will we be staying?

The group will be staying at The Annunciation House in El Paso, Texas, which is a house of hospitality for migrants along the border. The Annunciation House will facilitate the border awareness experiences while we are there. Read more about The Annunciation House. We will stop and stay at a M.A.P. site in Oklahoma on the way to and from El Paso.

How safe is this trip?

This experience should be considered safe. El Paso is one of the safest cities in the U.S. We will not be traveling to Mexico at any point in this experience. There are basic safety issues as would be expected for anyone traveling in a new city. Rules such as not walking alone at night, students should always walk in groups, and keeping valuables at home is always prudent.

How much does the trip cost?

The cost per student is $250, which covers most meals, group transportation, and housing. You will need to bring additional money for food during travel and personal spending.

Is financial assistance available?

There are some need-based funds available. Speak to Bernardo Borunda about exploring this option.

What does a typical day look like?

A typical day may include:

  • Visiting the US Border Patrol
  • Listening to the stories of migrants and refugees
  • Meeting human rights activists
  • Observing immigration court cases

What do I need to bring?

Pack lightly and casually. Bring a sleeping bag, a towel, and toiletry items.

What language do I need to know?

While Spanish would be extremely helpful for this experience, it is not necessary. We will have interpreters throughout our trip to translate from Spanish to English.

Do I need to have a passport?

Since we are not traveling to Mexico you will not need a passport. Please bring some form of photo ID with you. If you are a DACA student or not a US Citizen, please bring all your pertinent paperwork.