Graduation Checklists

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Understanding Your Graduation Checklist and Requirements

How to find and understand your graduation checklist

Consider the following requirements

Areas of the Graduation Checklist

Marquette Core Curriculum

Image of Marquette Core Curriculum

Discovery Tier Theme Requirements

WRIT and ESSV2 Requirements

Business Core Curriculum

Business Core Curriculum

Structured Elective Requirements

Within the business core curriculum a student will need to complete three structured elective requirements, each with multiple course offerings:

If a course is taken to complete the Business Ethics, Core Enhancement and Analytics structured electives, it can dual apply to both the business core and a major requirement if eligible. Note: additional coursework may be required to meet credit requirements if a structured elective is used to share to two academic areas.

International Business Course Requirement 

At least one International Business elective must be completed by taking an international business course through major requirements, upper division business electives or through an approved study abroad program course. Only business courses are applicable, not non-business offerings part of the International Business (INBU) major. Visit the INBU major page on the Marquette Bulletin for course options: Select one business course.

Non-Business Electives

Business Major Coursework

Major Contacts and Extra Information can be found on the "Course Planning" tab and the Marquette Bulletin and the College of Business Administration Majors Webpage.

Declaring a major: Declare one-three business major(s) prior to registration for the junior year. Students can change majors but a typical goal is to feel confident in major selection by the end of sophomore year. Declare majors and non-business majors with this link to appear on a graduation checklist. 

Major in Business Administration (BUAD), what is it? Many students choose to major in one or more of the college’s 12 other majors, however a student who wishes to major in only Business Administration can complete the major with 9 upper division business electives (3000-4000 level business courses).  Business Administration (BUAD) is a single major only for students, it cannot be paired with a second major in business.

Taking a Course to Satisfy Requirements or Electives for two different Business Majors: Students can dual apply one course across two business majors' requirements or electives when possible. The only major excluded from this option is International Business (INBU), but not all other business majors have courses that can apply to multiple majors. This dual application does not change the minimum credit requirement to graduate and may require a student to take an additional course to meet credit requirements.

The course that shares will automatically satisfy both majors on a Graduation Checklist once enrolled.

Program Concentrations in the College: The college has five major program concentrations: 1) Accelerating Ingenuity in Markets - CFA Investments, 2) Accelerating Ingenuity in Markets - Applied FinTech (AIM Program), 3) Finance - Commercial Banking Program, 4) Marketing - Professional Selling Program, and 5) Real Estate - Real Estate Asset Program (REAP). Each program has unique requirements, please consult with each program coordinator to determine needs.

Upper Division Business Electives: are courses numbered 3000-4999 and are generally taken by sophomores through seniors.

Internship for Credit: Students often pursue internship for credit opportunities. In some majors, this for-credit option does count towards a major elective course. Review major requirements in the Bulletin to determine if an internship for credit course will be beneficial to your requirement needs. The program is managed by the Business Career Center, more information here.