Nicholas A. Jolly – Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
MSAE Courses Taught: Applied Econometrics; Studies in Labor Market Analysis
Dr. Jolly’s research focuses on how individuals adjust to involuntary job losses and various health shocks. His research has appeared in top journals such as Journal of Population Economics, IZA Journal of Labor Economics, Labour Economics, and the Journal of Health Economics. Dr. Jolly has appeared in local media outlets such as Wisconsin Public Radio, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and Milwaukee Magazine.
Andrew Meyer – Professor of Economics and Department Chair
MSAE course: Microeconomic Theory and Applications
Dr. Meyer’s research interests include environmental and natural resource economics, behavioral economics, and education economics. His work has been published in top disciplinary journals such as Journal of Public Economics, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economics of Education Review, and Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, among others.
Stephen Cole – Associate Professor of Economics
MSAE courses: Macroeconomic Theory and Applications; Monetary Theory and Policy
Dr. Cole’s research focuses on monetary economics, central bank policy, and macroeconomics. His work has been published in top-ranked economics journals, including Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, and Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, among others.
Jim McGibany – Emeritus Associate Professor of Economics
MSAE course: Applied Time Series Econometrics
Dr. McGibany is currently a consultant working with a graduate of the MSAE program analyzing the new construction and home remodeling markets. During his tenure at Marquette he published on macroeconomic and housing issues in outlets such as Applied Economics, the Journal of Macroeconomics, and the Journal of Regional Science.
Kathryn Wagner – Associate Professor of Economics
MSAE course: Health Economics
Dr. Wagner's research interests include health economics, health insurance, public policy, paid leave, and programs related to disability. Her research has been published in labor and health economics journals including the Journal of Health Economics, the American Journal of Health Economics, and Labour Economics. Her work has also been cited in the Economic Report of the President published by the Council of Economic Advisers.
Miao (Grace) Wang – Professor of Economics
MSAE course: International Trade
Dr. Grace Wang’s research interests include foreign direct investment, foreign aid, international trade, and economic development. Dr. Wang’s work has been published in leading journals such as Economic Inquiry, Empirical Economics, Finance Research Letters, Review of International Economics, and World Development. She was the recipient of the 2023 College of Business Brennan Master Teacher Award.
James Lamb - MSAE alum and Sr. Software Engineer at NVIDIA
MSAE course: R Programming.
James holds a Masters of Information in Data Science (MIDS) from UC Berkeley and a Masters of Science in Applied Economics from Marquette University. He has contributed to many open source data science and data engineering projects, most notably as a maintainer of the 'LightGBM' project from Microsoft Research. For more of his work, see
Jose Zenteno - MSAE Alum and Data Science Manager, FedEx
MSAE course: Python
Jose Zenteno offers 11+ years of experience in big data consulting, data science development, and management of advanced analytics data products in Fortune 100 companies in the financial, consumer packaged goods, and integrated logistics industries.
Ed Leonard - Marquette M.S. in Computing Alum, Lead Data Analytics Engineer, Northwestern Mutual
MSAE course: SQL
Ed Leonard offers progressive and successful experience in Database solutions; programming, analysis, administration and development using technology to deliver solutions to end-users in order to make their decisions faster and more accurate, having worked serving audiences of varying sizes in corporate and higher educational settings.