
Baccalaureate Mass Senior Reflection

Want to give a mini-reflection to your class at Baccalaureate Mass? Consider applying here. Applications close on Monday, April 7, 2025. 

Camina Conmigo (4/4 - 4/5)

Camina Conmigo - walk with me - is a one-night retreat that celebrates and explores Latine spiritualities and identities while building community between students of all faiths and backgrounds. Retreatants will partake in Latine traditions, prayers, and activities, listen to student reflections, and experience cultural dishes and games. You do not have to identify as Latine to attend this retreat - allies and advocates are welcome too! Learn more here

Retreat Leader Application

Consider applying to be a retreat leader for the 2025-26 school year. Application deadline is Monday, April 7. Learn more here

Lent 2025

Ramadan Mubarak