Minor in Business Administration

To complete the requirements for a minor in Business Administration, students need to complete 22 credits as specified below (a grade of C or better must be earned in each course):


All courses for the Business Administration minor must be taken at Marquette; the Assistant Dean of the College of Business Administration must approve any transfer of credits.

* BIEN 1100, GEEN 1130, CEEN 1200, GEEN 1200 can be substituted, BUAD 1060 must be taken before FINA 3001 and OSCM 3001.
A  One of: MATH 1700, MATH 4710, MATH 4720, MATH 4740, PSYC 2001, SOCI 2060, BUAD 1560, MEEN 3426.

Important notes:

For More Information on the Business Administration Minor