Supply Chain, Information Systems, and Analytics


As the largest group within the Management Department, Supply Chain Management, Information Systems and Analytics, covers three areas of management that have seen explosive growth and a high demand for graduates with related skills. This growth and demand has been fueled by the global pandemic and the rapidly evolving digital era, where firms need to radically re-design their supply chains to become more resilient, deploy information systems to create visibility and capture all available data sources, and utilize analytics to generate insights to improve their decision making.  


We offer programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level. We offer two undergraduate majors:

Both majors have industry-driven content, lots of applied and experiential learning opportunities.

At the graduate level, students can earn their Masters in:

Corporate Relations

The Supply Chain, Information Systems, and Analytics group stays connected with industry through the Center for Supply Chain Management (CSCM), focuses on real-world issues, attracts and retains some of the brightest students and invests in learning technology.

Advisory Board Members of the Center for Supply Chain Management have access to our dedicated supply chain Student Career liaison to facilitate student placements or with any supply chain recruitment questions. They also take part in exclusive recruiting events with our students. Learn more about recruitment through the CSCM.

The Center for Supply Chain Management staff can also help you find talented students and alums.

Faculty and Research

The eleven (11) Supply Chain, Information Systems and Analytics faculty members are available to provide expert commentary and analysis on a broad range of topics. If you need assistance finding an expert for media or commentary please see our media contacts page or reach out to a faculty member directly.
