Students and Computers

On-campus students receive free technical support for connecting personal computers to the university network. If you encounter a computer problem, try some basic troubleshooting. If the problem continues, contact the IT Services TechSquad at (414) 288-7799.

University-Owned Computers

Computers for office or lab use are provided by university departments. If you encounter a computer problem, try some basic troubleshooting. If the problem persists, contact the IT Services TechSquad at (414) 288-7799.

PrintWise Laser Printing

PrintWise is the campus-wide print solution which provides the Marquette community with fast, secure, cost-effective, quality laser printing. Students receive a free $21.00 allocation (300 black-and-white laser prints) each academic year.

Servicing University Computers and Printers

Hardware-related computer issues are assigned to outside repair vendors. Printer not working? Find out how to get university-owned printers fixed.


Microsoft Teams

VPN Setup

Remote Work (Faculty/Staff)

Remote Learning (Students)

Instructional Continuity

CheckMarq Student Info System

D2L E-Learning

Email & Calendar

Microsoft Office

Network Access & Wireless

Passwords & PINs

Safe Computing

SharePoint Collaboration


Unified Communications



Campus Downloads

Computer Labs & Smart Classrooms

Getting Hardware & Software

Help with Computers & Printers

Phones & Telecommunication

Printing at Marquette


Are you new to Marquette?



Is the D2L course site unavailable to students?

New for Fall 2023: By default, students will see their D2L course site three days before the start of classes. Instructors can allow early or late access to the course if they wish.