The Explorer Challenge 2.0 FAQ

Below is a list of common questions about The Explorer Challenge 2.0, formerly the Strategic Innovation Fund. If you can't find your question listed below, please email us at

How do I fulfull this year's Explorer Challenge 2.0 Theme? 

How does funding work for a student team?

I submitted last year but my proposal was not funded. Should I submit again?

What were key elements of a successful proposal?

Will all funded projects be expected to generate new revenue for the university?

What are the criteria for funding?

Is there an advantage for projects that support multiple themes of the strategic plan?


How much money can we ask for?

How can alumni or community members get involved?


I will not be at Marquette next semester – how can I participate?

Can students or faculty from other universities be on a team?

When will funds actually be available?

How much commitment is required for an initiative?

We have a company or are looking to start one – should we apply for The Explorer Challenge 2.0?

Other questions?