IWL Summer 2024 Interdisciplinary Grants Awarded

Seeking to foster interdisciplinary research collaborations across the university that further the campus community’s understanding of gender and sex, the fifth year of IWL's Interdisciplinary Summer Grant Program is underway.  Three projects supporting joint research projects of faculty, staff, and students in Educational Policy and Leadership, English, History, Nursing, Physical Therapy, and Political Science.  More information is available on IWL's Research Awards page; and keep an eye out for the announcement in an upcoming issue of Marquette Today.

New Release:

Research and Storytelling as Gendered Resistance

Cover of "Research and Storytelling as Gendered Resistance"This research paper, written by IWL's Fall 2023 Faculty Fellows, reviews the work of Drs. Heather Hlavka, Jennifer Vanderheyden, and Jessica Zemlak and how storytelling provides essential context to the lived experiences of people—"past and present—as ways to both challenge and amplify the experiences of those who have been doubted, denied, or silenced through time."  Navigate to IWL's "Pubications" page to learn more and see other research papers and reports from our community.

Seeking 2024-2025 IWL Interns!

For more information click HERE.

2024 IWL Alumna Awardee

IWL Excellence Award

Sabina Bhatia
Sabina Bhatia, Grad '89
For more information click HERE. 

Institute for Women's Leadership at Marquette University

Upcoming Events

Happy summertime!  We are busy supporting research and planning for the 2024-2025 academic year, so IWL Events and Programs are limited.  Check back in August for what's to come, and in the meantime, check out the Events page for descriptions and links for past events.

Cross-Promotional Events

As events arise for Summer 2024, IWL will continue to cross-promote.  Check back for more opportunities throughout the summer!


Get to Know the 2024 IWL Transformational Leadership Awardees

    • IWL Transform Award
      recognizes community leader
      wendy bauman
      Wendy K. Baumann, President/Chief Visionary Officer of The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation 
    • IWL Inspire Award
      which recognizes a member of the Marquette campus community:

      jacki black

      Dr. Jacki Black, Director of Hispanic Initiatives and Diversity and Inclusion Educational Programming 
    • IWL Engage Award
      recognizes Marquette student
      hope moses
      Hope Moses, Executive Director of the Marquette Wire and a fourth-year journalism undergraduate
    • For more details from the 3rd annual gala and these award winners, visit the IWL 2024 Gala page

THANK YOU to all who support the work of IWL and attended this year's IWL Gala!

2024 IWL Gala Thank You

Check out the latest from the Beyond MU series!

Watch Beyond MU: Lifelong Learning —"When 'Safer-at-Home' is Not Actually Safe: Supporting Intimate Partner Violence Survivors during Quarantine" HERE!

In March 2020, state governments began issuing “Safer-at-Home” orders to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. But for women living with abusive partners, being quarantined at home was anything but safe. Andrea Schneider, professor of law in the Marquette University Law School and director for the Institute for Women’s Leadership, has created a research team to analyze the effect these orders had on the prevalence of domestic abuse cases, and their impact on the wellness and mental health of survivors. 
Hear how this team, in partnership with Milwaukee County Circuit Court and the Sojourner Family Peace Center, is working toward improving services for survivors during the pandemic- to enhance court processes and to guide best practices in advising workplaces on how to respond to Intimate Partner Violence. 

Research Round-Up

IWL Research Mini-Grants

IWL accepts applications for research mini-grants of up to $1000 on a rolling basis. These grants are designed to support research-related activities that advance scholarship or academic knowledge focused on gender or sex.
Click HERE for application materials and more information.

Research Papers:

Milwaukee Women in the Workplace—2023 Report

This written by Jennica Webster, PhD, reviews findings from a study of workers in the Milwaukee metropolitan area and provides proven recommendations on how our community can continue to make equitable advancements for an even better community.
front cover of "Milwaukee Women in the Workplace—2023 Report"

Understanding the Domestic Abuse Restraining Order Processes in Milwaukee County’s Court After COVID-19

The third and final publication from IWL's research study, "When 'Safer-at-Home' is Not Actually Safe," this paper by Drs. Heather Hlavka, Sameena Mulla, Andrea K. Schneider, and Erin Schubert explores the temporary and long-term restraining order processes for domestic abuse survivors in Milwaukee County from the perspectives of service seekers and service providers.
Front cover of "Understanding the Domestic Abuse Restraining Order Processes in Milwaukee County’s Court After COVID-19"


Sojourner Clients and Access to Technology: A Geospatial Analysis

The second publication from IWL's research study, "When 'Safer-at-Home' is Not Actually Safe," this paper by Dr. Aleksandra Snowden explores the impact that people's access to technology has on their ability to procure needed assistance as they navigate the local court's process to file for a restraining order and provides evidence-based recommendations for better meeting the needs of survives.

Front Cover of "Sojourner Clients and Access to Technology: A Geospatial Analysis" | A "When 'Safer-at-Home' is Not Actually Safe" paper

The Power of Intellectual Joy for the Future of Women at Work

This spring's publication from IWL's Faculty Fellows program, this paper by Dr. Melissa Shew explores the importance of finding and making space for joy in life.  This paper was the basis for IWL's May 3rd, 2023, community event by the same name.

FRONT COVER of "The Power of Intellectual Joy for the Future of Women at Work"

Additionally, this white paper has a companion workbook, "Increasing Intellectual Joy through the Seven As: Reflective Questions for Work and Life," available here for personal use.  To request a Joy Workshop or for use of this workbook beyond a personal non-profit nature, contact IWL@marquette.edu.


Sex Differences in Pain Perception—Why Do Women Experience More Pain Than Men?

The first paper from IWL's Faculty Fellows program was written by Dr. Marie Hoeger Bement, this paper explores how different people experience pain and offers some general tools that can help manage pain depending on one's experiences.  This paper is the basis for IWL's November 3rd community event: Women Experience More Pain Than Men—And What To Do About It!
[For more information and to register now, visit the IWL Events page.]  The paper, Sex Differences in Pain Perception—Why Do Women Experience More Pain Than Men?, is now available to all.  Click HERE for a copy:Front Cover of "Sex Differences in Pain Persception" (white paper)

Watch IWL's Last Spotlight on Research Episode:

Click HERE to watch this episode on YouTube in its original formatting.

Playback Available for IWL's Women and Money Series

Watch video playback of IWL's latest series, Women and Money, by clicking HERE.  For each session, we learned from local, state, and national leaders in each subject on how to make a difference that benefits women as individuals and our communities.
Check out the Women and Money page to learn more.