Technology Transfer


Technology transfer can generally be thought of as the transfer of knowledge and discoveries from the university environment to the general public through publications, talented students entering the workforce, exchanges at conferences, and relationships with industry and community partners.

AUTM LogoAccording to the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM), technology transfer is about transforming ideas into opportunities. AUTM is the nonprofit leader in efforts to educate, promote and inspire professionals to support the development of academic research that changes the world and drives innovation forward.



At Marquette, technology transfer refers to the responsible licensing of university technology to third parties and the formation of new companies for the benefit of society. The technology transfer process can be viewed as a continuous cycle, beginning with basic research and discovery that yields technologies that can form the basis of innovative products and services to address unmet needs of society. Our office evaluates, protects and markets our early-stage technologies and negotiates socially responsible license agreements with existing or startup companies. Revenues from licenses are shared with inventors and reinvested into our research enterprise.







Marquette faculty, staff, fellows and students contribute significantly to research in fields as diverse as our community - their innovations have the potential to improve lives. Our office serves them to make this happen through technology transffer. 

As a crucial part of Marquette's innovation ecosystem, our office supports innovation and entrepreneurship at Marquette. We forge meaningful relationships with external industries, investors and community partners, and catalyze the transformation of Marquette discoveries to benfit society. 


Tech transfer benefits wheel



Our Mission

  • Connect Marquette inventors and discoveries with industry and community partners
  • Drive investment in research and discovery
  • Facilitate development of inventions to meet market need
  • Transform early-stage technologies into new products and services
  • Enable dissemination of products and services for public benefit
  • Grow and nurture our innovation system

Our Vision

To transform Marquette University discoveries and knowledge into products and services for public benefit through the protection and socially responsible licensing of intellectual property.

  • To connect Marquette inventors and discoveries with industry and community partners.
  • To facilitate investment in discoveries for further development.
  • To transform early-stage technologies into new products and services, enable their broadest dissemination for public benefit, and bolster our innovation ecosystem.


Who can use OEE Technology Transfer services?

The OEE Technology Transfer Office can help any Marquette faculty, staff or students. Under Marquette’s Intellectual Property Policy, any faculty, staff or students working on Marquette research or other Marquette projects must work with the Technology Transfer Office if the intellectual property is created: