Pre-Law Scholars Program

The Pre-law Scholars program allows you to reduce the total time needed to complete your bachelor's and law degrees from seven years to six years. A typical bachelor's degree program in the Diederich College of Communication consists of three parts: university core curriculum requirements, Diederich College requirements and requirements within a particular major.

In your first three years of the Pre-law Scholars program, you will complete core curriculum requirements, the majority of the Diederich College requirements and all requirements in your major. Courses taken in the Law School during your fourth year will substitute for the college minor requirement toward your bachelor’s degree and toward the completion of your law degree. You are essentially applying the credits for the courses you take in your first year of law school twice. Students majoring in any of the college's programs are eligible to apply.

You should know that while the Law School is bound to hold your place when you meet all of the requirements, you are not bound to the Law School. If, at any point in the program, you decide that law school or the practice of law is not for you, you are not obligated to attend Marquette's Law School, or even to enter the profession. You can stay at Marquette and complete your undergraduate degree in the major(s) you have chosen. Please note that this means that you will have to complete a minor (or second major) as do other Diederich College students not admitted into the Pre-law Scholars program.


One of the things that will be the key to your success, and, ultimately, that of the entire program, is a sound advising system. We realize that we are asking you to make a big academic and life decision and thus intend to work with you every step of the way to ensure that you are confident in your decision to be in this program and to attend law school. Your adviser will help you to ask questions of yourself, to reflect upon your academic and social experiences, and to continue to evaluate how you are progressing in the program.

Financial Aid

Since you will be spending only three undergraduate years at Marquette, the financial aid and scholarships you receive will be applicable only to your first three years at Marquette. After you complete your first three years, you must apply for financial aid and scholarships through the Law School, rather than your undergraduate college.

Since the criteria for admission to the Pre-Law Scholars Program match the criteria for many of the merit-based scholarships awarded by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, it is highly probable that the students in the program will also receive merit-based scholarships to Marquette University.

It is important to note that these scholarships, while they are renewable for each of four years at the university, are only for undergraduate study. As a result, the students would only be able to apply these scholarships to their first three years at Marquette, since they will no longer be undergraduates once they begin their classes in the Law School. The fourth year of the scholarship will be forfeited.

Pre-Law Scholars would be eligible to apply in their third year for any Law School financial aid and scholarships that would be available to them for their first year in the Law School.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What happens if I want to take one more undergraduate year?

Can I study abroad?

How are academic honors for Pre-Law Scholars calculated?

Can I switch colleges?

How Grades Earned in the Law School Affect Undergraduate Credits

The Diederich College of Communication will accept for credit all Law School classes in which the student earns at least a grade of "D", the minimum necessary to earn credit for a course in the Law School.

A student must earn 120 credits through his or her courses in the College of Communication and the Law School in order to earn a bachelor's degree. If a student were to earn a grade lower than “D” in the first year of Law School, that student, in order to earn the bachelor's degree must make up those credits. This may be done by retaking the Law School course (which would have to happen anyway), or by taking an undergraduate course that fulfills credit requirements for the College of Communication.

Graduation/ Bachelor’s Degree

Scholars will walk through the May graduation ceremony. However, because Law School grades are not posted until June, Pre-Law Scholars will not receive their diploma for their bachelor’s degree until August of the fourth year. Since cumulative GPA is calculated only after completion of the fourth year, graduation honors are determined at that point.

Admission to the Pre-Law Scholar's Program (prior to Freshman year)

The Pre-Law Scholars Selection Committee, comprised of members of the Diederich College of Communication and the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, will give primary consideration to high school students who have followed a rigorous college preparatory curriculum and who have demonstrated a potential for success by fulfilling the Law School's criteria.

Deadlines and Notification

This application process coincides with the university's other scholarship competition deadlines, which generally fall on or shortly after February 1. Notification of winners would occur in early March, thereby allowing students ample time to weigh their options.

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