Dean’s Awards - Student Recipients

Students in the J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication can earn two types of awards from the dean: Dean’s Scholars and Dean’s List.

Dean’s Scholars

Awarded once each academic year, upon completion of the fall term, to students who are enrolled full-time in the Diederich College of Communication, have earned a minimum of 24 credits at Marquette University, and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher from fall grades (excluding J-Session of the most recent Fall semester due to grade reporting).

First semester freshmen are ineligible, as are students who have a grade of I, X, IX, WA, UW, UNC, NG, F or U on the date the ITS Dean’s Scholars report is run.

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Dean's Scholars 2024


Dean’s List

Awarded twice per academic year, upon completion of the fall term and the spring term, to students who are enrolled full-time in the Diederich College of Communication, have earned a minimum of 12 graded credits at Marquette University during the term, and have a term grade point average of 3.50 or higher on the date the ITS dean's list report is run.

Students receiving a grade of I, X, IX, WA, UW, UNC, NG, F or U on the date the ITS Dean’s List report is run are ineligible.

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Dean's List Fall 2024