Diederich College Curriculum

Prepare for Your Career

As a student in the Diederich College of Communication, you will gain the knowledge and skills to manage change throughout your professional career. The College of Communication provides ample opportunities for you to develop your skills, through involvement in student media, theatre, clubs and professional internships. You can get started with many of these activities your Freshman year, gaining hands-on experience from day one.

You'll start with the Marquette Core Curriculum, which prepares students to communicate responsibly and ethically, engage the world as moral actors and citizens with purpose, collaborate with diverse others using a broad disciplinary focus, and become leaders in discovery to solve global problems. For details and a current list of core courses, see the Marquette Core Curriculum.

You will then build on this base with Diederich College classes in communication theory and practice, developing specialized knowledge in your major(s).

Diederich College Curriculum

The Diederich College of Communication has its own required curriculum. You'll take the following classes, plus classes in your major and minor. See each major’s course list for details.



Choose from the following majors:


All Diederich College of Communication majors are required to complete a second major or a minor.

You may choose a departmental minor in a specific subject from the Diederich College of Communication or a minor from the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Business Administration.

Diederich College minors include: Advertising, Communication Studies, Corporate Communication, Dance, Digital Media, Family Studies, Film, Fine Arts (in collaboration with Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design), Health, Music, Public Relations and Theatre Arts. For details on minor course requirements, see our minors webpage.

General Degree Requirements

Here’s an overview of what you’ll do at Marquette University. See the Undergraduate Bulletin for full course details, prerequisites and requirements.


You need at least 120 credits with a 2.0 grade point average in courses completed at Marquette University to graduate. You must complete at least 32 upper division credits at MU.