  • Karen Slattery
    Dr. Karen SlatteryMarquette University

    Johnston Hall, 404G

    MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
    (414) 288-3490

    Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Media Studies


    Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983
    M.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978
    B.A. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, 1971

    Courses Taught

    BREC 2245 Broadcast News Writing and Editing
    BREC 4440 Television Reporting
    BREC 4953 Communication Issues in Television News
    COMM 3900 Ethical Problems of Mass Communication
    COMM 6100 Qualitative Research Methods in Communication
    COMM 6800 Proseminar and Multimedia Technology

    Research Interests

    Journalism, media ethics

    Professional Experience

    Reporter/producer, Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service
    Reporter and producer: WBAY-TV
    WFRV-TV reporter: Wisconsin Public Radio

    Professional Affiliations

    National Press Photographers Association
    Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

    Selected Publications

    Slattery, K. (2016). “The Moral Meaning of Recent Revisions to the SPJ Code of Ethics,” Journal of Media Ethics, 31 (3), 2-17.

    Slattery, K. (2014). “Ethics and Journalistic Standards: An Examination Of the Relationship Between Journalism Codes of Ethics and Deontological Moral Theory,” in Wyatt, W. (ed.), The Ethics of Journalism: Individual, Institutional and Cultural Influences, NY: I.B. Tarus & Co. Ltd. Series: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

    Slattery, K. & Garner, A. “News Coverage of US Mothers of Soldiers During the Vietnam War: Shedding the Image of Spartan Motherhood.” Journalism Practice. (DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2014.924735). Available online July 2014.

    Slattery, K. (2013). “Conflict as a News Value,” in Soan, D. and Greer, J. (eds.), Northport, AL: Vision Press.

    Slattery, K. & Doremus, M. (2013). “Suppressing Allied Atrocity Stories: The Unwritten Clause of the World War II Censorship Code.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89(4), 624-42.

    Garner, A. & Slattery, K. (2012). “Mobilizing Mother: From Good Mother to Patriotic Mother in World War I.” Journalism & Mass Communication Monographs 14(1), 5-77.

    Slattery, K., Garner, A., Wolburg, J. & Turner, L. (2012). “At the Intersection of Jesuit and Feminist Moral Philosophies: Teaching for Social Justice in the Engaged Classroom,” in Boryczka, J. and Petrino, E. (eds), Jesuit and Feminist Education: Intersections in Teaching And Learning for the Twenty-First Century, New York: Fordham University Press.

    Slattery, K. & Garner, A. (2011). “Mother as Mother and Mother as Citizen: Mothers of Combat on National Network News.” Journalism:Theory, Practice & Criticism, 13(1), 87-102.

    Garner, A. & Slattery, K. (2010). “World War I and the Mobilization of Maternal Sacrifice: Considerations for Peace Politics,” Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict, pp. 46-2.

    Garner, A. & Slattery, K. (2010). “The Patriotic Good Mother of WorldWar II: A Study of a Cultural Ideal.” Journalism Studies, 11(2), 143-157.(Lead Article)

    Slattery, K. (2008). “Repairers of the Breach: Cases and Commentaries.”Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 23(4), 312-314.

    Why Marquette

    The university's commitment to social justice is very appealing to me.

    Johnston Hall